America's Most Beautiful Road: 55 Kilometers of Autumn Beauty - ForumDaily
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America's Most Beautiful Road: 55 Miles of Autumn Beauty

There's no place like the East Coast in the fall. Many claim that their area's views are also spectacular during the golden season. That may be true, but nothing beats New England for a riot of fall foliage, the publication writes. Travel & Leisure.

Photo: Xavier Ascanio |

"On a recent trip to the East Coast, I found myself on the Kancamagus Highway (Kancamagus Highway), known locally as the Kank, writes Ivy Carrick, a blogger for the publication. “Not knowing it was one of the most beautiful and iconic roads in New England (maybe even the country), I returned home and told my family about the narrow, tree-lined highway that cuts through New Hampshire. And then, knowledgeable family members told me what the road was.”

Designated a National Scenic Byway for its stunning views, the Kancamagus Highway stretches 55 miles from Lincoln to Conway. As the route crosses the state from west to east, it passes through the heart of the scenic White Mountain National Forest. Exits along the highway offer views of the White Mountains and access to sites like Sabbaday Falls and Rocky Gorge. The western end of the route (the Lincoln side) offers attractions like Loon Mountain and the Hobo Railroad (also known as the Granite State Scenic Railway), while the eastern end of the Kancamagus Highway is close to Cranmore Mountain Resort, the Conway Scenic Railroad, and several great local restaurants.

On the subject: Top-10 most beautiful roads of the USA

A National Scenic Byway in the United States is a road or route that has been recognized as particularly significant because of its scenic, cultural, historic, natural, or recreational features. The National Scenic Byways Program was established in 1991 by the Federal Highway Administration to protect and promote such routes. To receive this status, a route must meet strict criteria and offer something unique or unusual to travelers.

There is also an All-American Road rating, which is given to the most significant roads that represent national heritage. These routes can include views of majestic mountains, forests, coastal areas, as well as historical and cultural landmarks..

The scenic drive is worth a drive any time of year (and it's open year-round), but the Canc is at its best in the fall, when the trees lining the road are painted in vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red. The highway is one of the main reasons New Hampshire attracts millions of tourists for a few short weeks each fall. It's a riot of color that has to be seen!

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If the stunning fall scenery from your car isn't enough, stop at one of the many hiking trails that start right off the highway. Popular routes include the Sabbaday Brook Trail (which leads to the aforementioned waterfalls), the Lincoln Woods Trailhead, and the Boulder Loop Trail. For a full list of hiking trails, visit

If you are lucky, you will be able to see local wildlife during your journey through the forest. Kank is famous for its ability to actually see moose, eagles, deer and bears.

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