MFA asks Russians not to travel to US: 'you may be lured there to be arrested'
The Russian Foreign Ministry published on its website official Facebook page warning: Russian citizens are strongly advised not to travel to a number of "unfriendly" countries. The list is headed, of course, by the United States - the long-standing traditional rival of the totalitarian empire, relations with which, according to Russian diplomats, are now "teetering on the brink of a rupture."
“In the context of the growing confrontation in Russian-American relations, which are balancing on the brink of a rupture due to the fault of official Washington, trips to the United States privately or for official purposes are fraught with serious risks,” the statement said.
Officials of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it turns out, care about the money of their fellow citizens, who can pay for a visa, but not get it: “Along with the extremely strict and discriminatory procedure for issuing American visas for Russian citizens, who are forced to travel to third countries to obtain permission to enter the United States of America with an unguaranteed result and no refund for the “service” in case of refusal, our compatriots have long become objects of a “hunt” in the literal sense of the word on the part of American law enforcement agencies and intelligence services.”
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But this is not the worst thing, according to Russian officials. They warn that Russians may be… deliberately lured abroad in order to detain them and then extradite them to the United States: “Recently, a fraudulent scheme has been especially common to lure Russian citizens abroad, against whom the US authorities have some kind of claims, including political ones, with advantageous commercial or tourist offers, followed by the detention of the “targeted” Russians and their expulsion to American jurisdiction in accordance with extradition agreements (a full list of countries cooperating with the US on extradition issues can be found here here.
In short, on the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, Russian Foreign Ministry officials “strongly urge” citizens to refrain not only from traveling to “terrible America,” but also from visiting “allied satellite states,” such as Canada and “with a few exceptions, EU countries” (by “exceptions,” they apparently mean, first and foremost, Hungary).
The current rhetoric of the Russian Foreign Ministry is painfully reminiscent of that used during the Cold War: “While abroad, avoid situations in which you could become a victim of provocation and be detained under the pretext of violating local laws.”
“Roscitizens” are urged not to lose their vigilance: “If there are signs of “specific” interest with proposals to meet and discuss certain “terms of cooperation” or employment for “generous compensation”, it is necessary to break off contact and, without wasting time, return to your homeland.
Of course, the diplomatic and consular missions of the Russian Federation in the United States and other countries, as before, will provide maximum assistance in protecting the rights of compatriots in trouble.
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At the same time, in order to avoid tragic incidents, when the American punitive justice machine leaves no chance for a fair trial, stamping out sentences close to life imprisonment of 15, and sometimes 25 years in prison, one should carefully weigh the risks of any foreign trips, except to countries friendly to Russia.”
North Korea, for example. Or Venezuela. Good countries.
Well, what can I add here? The iron curtain is coming down for "Russian citizens".
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