'Our Alaska': on Russian state television they again threaten to take away the state from the United States - ForumDaily
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'Our Alaska': Russian state television again threatens to take away the state from the United States

The odious Russian propagandist and TV presenter Olga Skabeeva said on television that Alaska belongs to Russia. During the broadcast of the “60 Minutes” program on the Russia-1 channel, Skabeeva called the American state “our Alaska.”

Photo: iStock

Alaska did once belong to Russia, but the territory was sold to the United States in 1867 after then-President Andrew Johnson signed the Alaska Treaty. It received state status on January 3, 1959. Alaska and Russia are separated by the Bering Strait, which is only 86 kilometers wide.

Skabeeva said this after her fellow expert, State Duma deputy Adalbi Shkhagoshev, commented on the joint air patrol organized last week by Russia and China. It passed three hundred kilometers from the coast of Alaska.

On the subject: US military intercepts Russian and Chinese bombers near Alaska

Russian Tu-95MS and Chinese H-6K strategic bombers, as well as accompanying Russian Su-30SM and Su-35S aircraft, made a joint flight over the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. This was the first time the two countries conducted joint patrols.

“Our planes have approached the borders of Alaska,” Shkhagoshev said on television. It was then that Skabeeva interrupted him and said:

“You spoke about our Alaska. Now the head of the Pentagon is hiccupping nervously somewhere. He just said that if Russian and Chinese planes penetrate into territory that the United States considers its own, the United States is ready to go to war.”

State television propagandists, including Skabeeva, have often floated the idea of ​​either striking or seizing territory from NATO member countries during a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Moscow accused the West of being involved in the war in Ukraine by providing military assistance, weapons and equipment to Kyiv to repel the enemy.

In January, the US State Department responded to the Kremlin's decree after claims that Putin had given Russia grounds to return Alaska.

Let us recall that in January of this year the Kremlin issued a decree on historical Russian possessions and real estate abroad. The Presidential Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were instructed to search for “real estate in the Russian Federation, the former Russian Empire, the former USSR,” and then claim rights to it, citing “proper registration of rights ... and legal protection of this property.”

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The US State Department has denied suggestions that Putin may try to seize Alaska.

“On behalf of everyone in the US government, I want to say that, of course, he will not get it back,” State Department Principal Deputy Press Secretary Vedant Patel said on January 22.

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