Russia fines Google an astronomical amount exceeding the world's GDP - ForumDaily
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Russia fines Google an astronomical amount exceeding the world's GDP

Google has been fined in Russia for removing some Russian TV channels from YouTube. However, the fine has grown to an unprecedented level in the last four years, since the trial against the tech giant began in Russia, reports Euronews.

Photo: Marcel De Grijs |

$20 – that’s the full amount of the fine. The violations cost the technology giant 000 undecillion rubles, or $000 decillion (a number consisting of 000 digits). For comparison: according to the IMF, the world GDP is estimated at $000 thousand billion (a 000-digit number).

Roman Yankovsky from the Institute of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics stated that Google “obviously will not pay this fine, and the Russian Federation will not be able to collect this money from the company.”

A quick calculation shows he’s right. Google’s holding company, Alphabet, has a market cap of just over $2 trillion. Even with $80,54 billion in revenue in its most recent quarter, the tech giant can’t seem to afford to pay that fine.

Any claims by the Russian government are valid only on the domestic market.

The settlement followed a four-year legal battle after YouTube banned the ultra-nationalist Russian channel Tsargrad in 2020 in response to US sanctions against its parent company.

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