Russia and Belarus have united borders: visas to each country are now mutually valid - ForumDaily
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Russia and Belarus have united their borders: visas to each country are now mutually valid

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the entry into force on January 11, 2025 of the intergovernmental Russian-Belarusian agreement on mutual recognition of visas. An agreement was also reached on other issues related to the crossing of the joint border of the states-participants of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State by foreign citizens and stateless persons, writes Consultant.

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The Russian Foreign Ministry's statement "On the entry into force of the Russian-Belarusian agreement on mutual recognition of visas" states that the parties mutually recognize visas that grant the right to enter and stay on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, as well as marks on crossing the external border of the Union State.

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Foreign citizens and stateless persons who enter, leave or transit through the territories of Russia and Belarus under a visa regime and have a visa of one of the two countries, as well as an identity document recognized by both states, have the right to enter, leave, stay, and transit through the territories of both states during the validity period of such a visa.

The agreement does not apply to foreign citizens and stateless persons whose entry into the territory of one of the two states is restricted. Entry into the territory of Russia and Belarus is possible both through international checkpoints across the state border and directly along the used routes of international rail and air communications, as well as on the routes of automobile communications listed in the appendix to the agreement.

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Each Party reserves the right to deny entry or reduce the period of stay on its territory of any foreign citizen or stateless person, as well as to verify their compliance with the rules of entry, exit, transit or stay.

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