Marco Rubio sworn in as US Secretary of State, outlines plans to end war in Ukraine
Secretary of State Marco Rubio began his term as the U.S.'s top diplomat on Jan. 21. He vows to uphold Trump's "peace through strength" policy, writes Reuters.

Photo: Joe Sohm |
Ending the war in Ukraine will be official U.S. policy, the former senator declared on Jan. 21 before addressing hundreds of State Department employees gathered in the building's lobby, greeting Rubio with applause and cheers.
"We want to be at the center, we want to be at the core of the foreign policy process because we will implement the best ideas faster and more effectively than any other agency in the government," Rubio told State Department staff.
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He stressed that he was proud to lead “the most effective, the most talented and the most experienced diplomatic corps in the history of the world.”
Despite the compliments, which drew applause, questions remain about whether Rubio can deliver on his promise to make the State Department a key body in formulating foreign policy amid Trump's unorthodox approach, which often bypasses formal institutions and emphasizes personal diplomacy.
Since last month, Trump aides have asked dozens of senior State Department officials to resign, replacing key positions with staffers who share the new president’s agenda.
"There will be changes, but these changes are not disruptive. They are not punitive," Rubio said. "These changes are necessary to become a 21st-century agency."
Rubio, 53, known for his tough stance on China and support for Israel, became the first member of Trump's Cabinet to be sworn in on Tuesday. He pledged to pursue Trump's foreign policy of "advancing the nation's national interests."
Rubio, a longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees, is the first Latino to serve as U.S. secretary of state. The son of Cuban immigrants, he also advocates tough measures against Cuba and its allies, especially the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.
"Peace through strength"
During his confirmation hearing last week, the new top diplomat said both Moscow and Kyiv must make concessions to end the war, and suggested Ukraine might have to give up its goal of reclaiming all the territory Russia has seized over the past decade.
Rubio confirmed those claims in an NBC interview before he was sworn in.
"It will be official U.S. policy to end the war, and we will do everything we can to achieve that," he said.
Former President Joe Biden, who funneled billions of dollars in arms to Ukraine after Russia invaded in February 2022, insisted that the decision to negotiate with Russia was up to Ukraine alone.
Trump said during his presidential campaign that he would end the war quickly, but did not explain how he would do so.
Rubio noted that the situation will be difficult "because each side will have to sacrifice something."
“The only way to end these conflicts is not through grand public statements,” Rubio said. “They only end through robust diplomacy, which the United States must engage in to end this conflict in a way that guarantees the security of Ukraine and our partners in the region, but also stops the killing, destruction, and suffering that we have seen for so long.”
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Speaking at the White House after being sworn in, Rubio pledged to follow Trump's foreign policy course aimed at "advancing the national interest."
He added that another goal of Trump's foreign policy would be "to promote peace. Peace through strength, of course, a peace that never goes against our values."
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