Royal Caribbean launched a new cruise ship: parties, performances and shows are held non-stop on board - ForumDaily
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Royal Caribbean launched a new cruise ship: parties, performances and shows are held non-stop on board

The new cruise ship Utopia of the Seas is a huge tourist ship from Royal Caribbean. An impressive number of entertainment attractions on the decks and short routes will make your vacation unforgettable, writes the publication's columnist Travel & Leisure Stephanie Waldeck. Next - from the first person.

Photo: IStock

I first saw Utopia of the Seas about eight months ago at the Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France. Back then, the ship was essentially a blank canvas, shrouded in scaffolding and mounting grids.

When I boarded the ship in Florida last week, Utopia of the Seas burst into life with an explosion of color and music. Musical rhythms echoed through the terminal decorated with balloons, so much so that at times I wanted to turn down the sound.

Royal Caribbean calls its new ship Utopia of the Seas "the world's biggest weekend getaway." Vacationers can expect non-stop parties on three- and four-day itineraries. Sailing to the Bahamas from Port Canaveral, near Orlando.

I only had three nights to explore the entire ship. I tried to visit as many of the 40-plus restaurants, bars and lounges as I could, as well as attend shows and parties, from Vegas-style daytime hangouts to real-life beer pong sessions.

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As it turned out, it is simply impossible to visit everywhere in such a short time. The endless series of entertainment, the music that flowed from everywhere - all this was even a little tiring. Therefore, my advice to you: do not try to be everywhere in time and try everything. Choose from a wide range of entertainment options and enjoy them while sailing.

However, there are two obligatory points on the program: the Aqua80sToo show and dinner at the Royal Railway.

Utopia has 2834 staterooms in 20 categories, from interior cabins with “digital windows” that broadcast what's happening outside to huge suites. Decide for yourself whether you plan to spend your three- or four-day trip in your own cabin, or whether you plan to explore the ship. If you want to go from party to party and only sleep in the cabin, a small room will suit you. Well, if you crave luxury and privacy, you should take a closer look at the Solarium Suites. These spacious rooms are located on the bridge, on the “wings” of the ship, with panoramic views of the sea.

Where to start with entertainment? There are more than 40 restaurants, bars and lounges on board Utopia, serving everything from sushi (Izumi) to Italian cuisine (Giovanni's) and burgers (Johnny Rockets). I didn't even have time to eat dinner in the main dining room.

For a quick bite, there's the 24-hour Windjammer Cafe buffet, the Mexican buffet Cantina Fresca, late-night takeout pizzeria Sorrento's, and even a poolside food truck.

As for small restaurants, the most notable is Pesky Parrot, a tiki bar on the deck.

I found that most bars on board are so noisy that you have to shout to be heard. Ironically, the quietest of them was in the ship's casino.

One dining spot deserves a special mention. Royal Railway is an exciting dinner show experience unlike anything else a cruise ship typically provides. It all starts with your ticket being delivered to your cabin, and as you approach the restaurant for your “train ride,” your name appears on a sliding departure board outside the “station.” The conductor checks your ticket and you head to your table in the dining car. I won't reveal all the secrets, but you can count on the feeling of being in a real train carriage. Themes for “train travel” can be different - the Wild West, the Great Silk Road. The animators create a unique atmosphere in each “trip” - this is a real theatrical performance.

Utopia of the Seas route

The ship's home port is Port Canaveral, Florida, from where it offers three- and four-day trips to the Bahamas. Three-day trips visit Royal Caribbean's private island Perfect Day at CocoCay, while four-day itineraries also include a stop in Nassau. You can combine the two routes for a week-long vacation.

Shore excursions

I had the opportunity to take the Perfect Day at CocoCay tour. This private island for Royal Caribbean passengers offers its own entertainment. The water park is designed for families and thrill-seekers, and you can't miss the tallest water slide in North America. Chill Island is designed for family beach holidays. Hideaway Beach is an adults-only destination with a party atmosphere. Guests can also book excursions that include scuba diving, jet skiing and cute activities like swimming in the sea with pigs.

Like all big cruise ships, Utopia has swimming pools, water slides, FlowRider, climbing walls, an escape room, laser tag, mini golf... The list goes on and on.

All theatrical performances at Utopia are quite short, lasting less than an hour. This leaves you with time to attend other parties. But the performances are still impressive, with magnificent sets, costumes and lighting design. These include a song and dance medley (with drones flying around) in the main theater, an ice skating show and the absolutely amazing Aqua80sToo, which takes place in the ship's AquaTheater. It's simply amazing. Imagine being at SeaWorld waiting for the Shamu show, but instead of a killer whale jumping through hoops, a group of energetic aquatic acrobats leap out of the pool and divers jump into the pool from great heights. I was ready to watch this performance every evening.

There are other interesting performances - comedy shows at The Attic, a delightful pianist at Schooner's, a rock band at the Music Hall.

Offers for families

While Royal Caribbean as a whole is undoubtedly a family-friendly cruise line, I think Utopia is perhaps best suited for adults and teens rather than small children. There are plenty of onboard activities for families, from the Splashaway Bay water park to the Adventure Ocean kids' club. But, given the atmosphere of a big endless party that reigns on the ship, I would choose a different ship for traveling with small children.

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According to the ship's deck plan, Utopia has 46 accessible cabins. While swimming, I examined one of them. It had extra wide doors, a special shower, a low sink, low closet rods and other features to ensure comfort for people with special needs. Like other Royal Caribbean ships, Utopia is also equipped with portable visual and tactile warning systems that can be brought into any cabin. Royal Caribbean, among other things, has a special contact center for people with disabilities.

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