Russian dies after suicide attempt in US immigration prison - ForumDaily
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Russian dies after attempting suicide in US immigration prison

According to the doctors, Mergensana Amar committed suicide.

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40, a Russian citizen Mergensana Amar, died in Tacoma, Washington, after nearly a year in the Northwest temporary shelter for illegal immigrants.

Earlier, Amar went on a hunger strike to protest the court’s decision to deport him from the United States. As the correspondent writesVOAVictoria Mackey, the hunger strike lasted from August to October.

15 November, according to information published on the website of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE), Amar attempted suicide and attempted to hang himself. It was discovered by the center staff in an unconscious state.

Amara was urgently hospitalized and supported his existence with the help of special devices for ten days. Doctors recorded the death of the patient's brain on November 18, and after another 7 day they decided that keeping the Russians connected to life support systems was no longer necessary.

According to the ICE website, the official cause of death for a citizen of Russia is “hypoxic (that is, associated with the lack of access to oxygen) brain injury resulting from suffocation.” Pierce County forensic experts confirmed that Amar died after committing suicide by hanging.

According to ICE, at the end of last year, Amar tried to illegally enter the United States. After being detained at the border, he was sent to Washington State, to the Northwest temporary accommodation center for illegal immigrants in Tacoma. In August, the court decided to deport him. Amara should have been expelled from the USA in November. In protest, the Russians went on a hunger strike, which lasted until October 16.

During the hunger strike, he was interviewed by the online edition of Crosscut. In an article published by 10 in October, Amar claims that he arrived in the US from Buryatia. In December, 2017, he attempted to illegally cross the border of Mexico and the United States in the San Isidro district of California. After that, he asked for political asylum in the United States.

Amar told the Crosscut correspondent that in Russia he was persecuted and beaten by skinheads. In addition, he claimed that he was detained in Russia for political activism and the struggle for the independence of Buryatia.

Voice of America has not yet been able to verify the accuracy of this information. The Russian embassy in Washington also did not respond to the Voice of America request for the death of Mergensana Amar.

In total, 2018 died in temporary detention centers for illegal immigrants, for various reasons, 11 people. ICE detains more than one hundred thousand illegal immigrants every year.

Human rights activists blame the agency for the poor quality of medical services that are provided to people in centers for illegal immigrants. A report by the Human Rights Watch group, published in June 2018, states that a low level of medical services at immigration centers could lead to an increase in mortality among detainees.

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