Russia imposed sanctions on Biden's wife and daughter: they were accused of 'shaping a Russophobic course'
Russian Foreign Ministry announced the expansion of sanctions against the United States. Joe Biden's wife and daughter, as well as 23 other people, were subject to personal restrictions.

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Russia has imposed sanctions on 25 Americans in response to US restrictions.
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The "stop list" includes the wife of US President Joe Biden Jill and his daughter Ashley, Senator Mitchell McConnell, as well as American philosopher and political scientist Francis Fukuyama and members of the McFaul-Yermak group, which is developing new sanctions against Russia, reports Forbes.
The general list of American citizens who are denied entry to the territory of the Russian Federation on an indefinite basis can be found in a special section on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
The day before, June 27, the White House announced that it would expand sanctions against Moscow. In particular, the United States will prohibit access to American goods and technologies (including semiconductors) to those companies that support Russia. The US will also raise import duties on certain goods from Russia to 35%.
In addition, blocking sanctions will be imposed against defense industry enterprises, research organizations and people associated with defense. Visa restrictions will affect about 500 officials whom the United States holds responsible for violating Ukraine's sovereignty.
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