Russian start-up engaged in training doctors from the USA and Canada - ForumDaily
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Russian start-up engaged in training doctors from the USA and Canada



UNIM, a Russian startup, launched Pathology Puzzles International educational service to train pathologists from the United States, Canada and the European Union.

Any specialist can take free participation in order to increase the level of knowledge and qualifications in the field of pathomorphology (this is about oncodiagnostics, clarified in UNIM).

Training will be carried out online during regular diagnostic rounds for one month. Each month, specialists will get access to a set of clinical (diagnostic) cases from real medical practice, on which they will be able to work collectively through the UNIM cloud platform for online diagnosis of cancer (Digital Pathology).

Moreover, at the beginning of the round, participants will not know what diagnosis was made in the context of the case, but will receive only input data, and only at the end of the month will they know what diagnosis was actually made in order to verify it with their own conclusions.

Cases will be provided by major international clinical centers and laboratories, promise at UNIM. For example, the organizer of the first round of the project will be the Impact Lab, a private pathological laboratory from Italy, and the project was supported by specialists from Hospital for Special Surgery in New York and the large European laboratory Biooptichka Lab.

The project Pathology Puzzles International is the development of the Russian educational project Pathology Puzzles, launched by UNIM in November 2015 of the year on the basis of the All-Russian diagnostic contest for pathologists “Final Diagnosis”. Previously, experts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine have already participated in Pathology Puzzles. According to the organizer, more than 80% of doctors involved in oncodiagnostics in Russia took part in the project.

Unim was founded in 2013 year and is engaged in oncological diagnostic services, access to which provides residents of all regions of Russia and the countries of the Customs Union. In 2014, the startup became a resident of the accelerator “Internet Initiatives Development Fund”, after which he received investments in the amount of 1,5 billion rubles (2 million 318 thousand dollars) from it.

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