Russian plane flying to Cuba, urgently boarded the US - ForumDaily
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Russian plane flying to Cuba, urgently boarded the US

At the airport of Atlantic City, an Russian aircraft made an emergency landing. He writes about it Rain with reference to the Russian consulate in New York. It referred to information from the US Customs and Border Protection Bureau.

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Aircraft of the Russian charter airline Azur Air flew from Russia to Cuba. Onboard were the 294 passenger and 14 crew members. All of them were transferred to the airport waiting area, the consulate reported.

The reason for landing the diplomats called the engine malfunction. The staff of the consulate general went to Atlantic City to help their fellow citizens.

"I refute the statement of the consulate about a faulty engine and an emergency landing," a spokesman told Interfax. Azur Air. According to him, the landing was unplanned, but not emergency. The crew found increased fuel consumption and decided to sit at the alternate aerodrome. The landing went smoothly, he added.

After several hours of waiting for permission from the American side, the passengers were taken to the airport terminal and fed, the airline representative said. Discusses the possibility of placing them in a hotel, if the flight delay is long. "At the moment, the crew, together with American technical specialists, are conducting work on the inspection of the aircraft," he said.

Boeing-767 Azur Air sat down forcedly due to fuel leaks on the right engine, a source in ground services at Atlantic City Airport told Interfax. Signs of leakage were noticed during the post-flight inspection, he added. The parties are discussing whether airport staff can troubleshoot the problem. If the problem cannot be solved on the spot, the airport can take a backup plane to deliver passengers to Cuba, he said.


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