'Clear honest name': Russian oligarch Deripaska explained why he sued the US - ForumDaily
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'Clear the good name': Russian oligarch Deripaska explained why he sued the United States

Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska explained in CNBC interview filing a lawsuit with the US Department of the Treasury because of the sanctions. According to the businessman, he filed a lawsuit not at the direction of the Kremlin, but because of the desire to restore his good name. The claim that the lawsuit was filed in coordination with the Russian authorities is “absolutely false,” Deripaska said.

“I was completely taken aback by this step [by imposing sanctions], I hope, sooner or later, people will understand that it was unfair,” Deripaska said in an interview. But so far, according to him, the situation is getting worse and worse, they write Ведомости.

“The last hearings in Congress, when people began to personally accuse me of things with which I had nothing to do with, <...> these are all just fantasies,” Deripaska said.

According to him, the use of the US judicial system for him is the last opportunity to achieve justice. According to Deripaska, sanctions can be justified when it comes to drugs, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, human trafficking. But it is impossible to take the same measures in relation to businessmen, “destroying the concept of presumption of innocence and a fair process,” he insists.

Deripaska also denied information about Russia's interference in the US presidential election in 2016, in particular, the transfer of any information to Donald Trump, the former head of the campaign headquarters of Donald Trump, via political consultant Konstantin Kilimnik. According to Deripaska, such accusations are lies.

“This is not true, this is absurd,” says Deripaska.

He also called groundless the assertions that Manafort or Kilimnik could somehow cooperate with the Russian special services.

Deripaska argues that he has not maintained business contacts with Manafort for a long time.

“I have not seen Manafort since 2010 or 2011 of the year,” the businessman said. The only reason he could be interested in Manafort was the American debt to his companies, Deripaska said. According to him, after 2011, Manafort focused "on Ukrainian customers."

“This is obvious to anyone, any investigative journalist who will check what these people are doing there,” Deripaska said.

Who are Manafort and Kilimnik

Manafort in the past provided consulting services to Deripaska. According to the Associated Press (AP), it lasted from 2006 to at least 2009 of the year, and one of the goals of Manafort was to promote the interests of the Russian leadership. Manafort and Deripaska confirmed the information on cooperation, but emphasized that it concerned exclusively the business interests of the Russian.

In 2016, Manafort managed Trump's campaign headquarters. Kilimnik, according to the US Department of Justice, is an assistant to Manafort. Both are on the criminal case of Russia's interference in elections in the United States. As AP previously reported, Manafort and Kilimnik tried to get witnesses to testify about their work in Ukraine.

According to the US Attorney’s Office, Kilimnik lives in Moscow. Manafort convicted in the US for a total of 7,5 year prison. He was convicted of illegal foreign lobbying, pressure on witnesses and financial irregularities.

Several quotes from an interview with Deripaska

On the impact of sanctions on life:

  • “This is a new life and a new reality. <...> I found myself absolutely isolated, including from the Russian side, which complies with international requirements in order to avoid risks, " The Bell.
  • “The situation is getting worse. At the last hearings, the congressmen personally accused me of things with which I have nothing to do <...> all this is just fantasy "

About business:

  • “I never hid behind someone’s backs and tried to make the business as open as possible: I filled out declarations, paid taxes. This lawsuit cannot bring me any benefits, because I am out of business now. ”

About the attitude of Russians towards Americans:

  • “In reality, Russian people and Americans do not hate each other. I think that in the hearts of Russians there is a place to start everything from scratch. ”

About whether relations between the Kremlin and Washington can improve in the near future:

  • "You are joking? In four years everything will be the same. Only a new generation of politicians can change the situation. The current generation will prefer to fight. ”

On Friday, March 15, Deripaska sued in Washington in a lawsuit against the US Department of the Treasury. The businessman demanded that the sanctions imposed on him in 2018 be lifted. According to the court, Deripaska estimated the financial losses from the sanctions at $ 7,5 billion.

"I spent 30 years of my life creating companies that are major players in the global economy, and I will not allow this hard work - along with millions of jobs and livelihoods - to be destroyed by political intrigues," a spokesman for the businessman said.

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Deripaska and his eight companies in April 2018: they were included on the Specially Designated Nationals list. Those involved in this list are prohibited from entering the United States, their assets in the United States are blocked, and persons from the United States are forbidden to have any business relationship with them. In January USA lifted sanctions from three Deripaska companies (the billionaire himself remained under sanctions). Democrats in Congress demanded to leave all sanctions in force. In particular, they claimed that the "oligarch" "promotes the malicious actions" of the Russian regime against the United States.

Read also on ForumDaily:

The United States and other countries have expanded sanctions against Russia because of Ukraine

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Miscellanea Our people anti-Russian sanctions Russian oligarch
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