Russian businessman to open a kennel club in New York - ForumDaily
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Russian businessman to open a canine club in New York  

Фото: Depositphotos

In New York in the near future there will be a new cynological club for the breeding of purebred Labradors with European pedigrees. He plans to open a successful Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist and traveler Mikhail Yanchuk.


According to the 32-year-old businessman, in America, dogs are treated almost like humans. Animal rights are protected at the legislative level. Hospitals, shelters, animal training clubs, beauty salons, special parks for walking with dogs and even public places open for dogs and dogs are open for animals. Yanchuk is confident that it is in New York that a pedigree labrador breeding club will be very popular.

The successful financier decided to radically change his occupation and start breeding retrievers because of his pet. “For four years now, my family has had a Labrador named Lola. I brought her from London as a small puppy. She is the favorite of the family and a full member of it. We never part with Lola, even when we travel, she accompanies us. Actually, Lola inspired me to open a kennel club in New York,” says the businessman.

According to him, there have always been animals in his family. “For as long as I can remember, there have always been animals in our house. I truly believe that animals enrich the human world and children should grow up surrounded by pets. Children learn to love and care. They develop feelings of compassion and mercy,” the businessman is convinced.

The date and address of the opening of the club will be announced soon.

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