Russian hackers hacked Washington police website and threaten to transfer data to criminals - ForumDaily
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Russian hackers hacked Washington police website and threaten to transfer data to criminals

Hackers demand ransom and threaten to transfer stolen data to criminal groups, writes "Voice of America".

Photo: Shutterstock

Russian hackers hacked into the database of the Washington, DC Police Department and threatened to pass information on to criminal gangs if they did not receive a ransom.

A Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate claimed to have stolen confidential data, including informants, according to a police statement.

Cybercriminals posted screenshots on their darknet website confirming the theft of more than 250 gigabytes of data.

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Details of the hack were disclosed on April 26 by the DC Police Department, which asked the FBI to investigate an "unauthorized entry" into its computer network.

Information that the attack has affected any police operations has not yet been reported.

The hacker group Babuk said on its website that it had “downloaded a sufficient amount of information” from a database.

The group gave the Washington police three days to contact it, threatening otherwise to release the data to the criminal gangs.

Screenshots posted online suggest that criminals have access to data from at least four computers, including intelligence reports, information on gang conflicts, a census of prisoners, and other administrative files.

The Washington Police Department said it takes the threat seriously.

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Last week, US President Joe Biden introduced new sanctions against the Russian government and sent 10 diplomats in response to hacker attacks and election interference.

In addition, the US Department of Justice announced the creation of a special unit to combat the increasing ransomware attacks.

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