Russian hackers stole blueprints of a new MacBook and demand $ 50 million from Apple - ForumDaily
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Russian hackers stole blueprints of new MacBook and demand $ 50 million from Apple

The hackers claim that they were specifically waiting for Apple's presentation to know that the new MacBooks will not be released. The vendor refused to pay the hackers. Editorial staff tells the details.

Photo: Shutterstock

What happened

Russian hacker group REvil, also known as Sodinokibi, said it hacked into Apple's vendor system and stole MacBook blueprints, Bloomberg writes, citing a hacker post on the darknet.

Hackers demand from Apple $ 50 million. If they do not receive this money, they will publish data on the next model of MacBook.

They published a message in Russian and attached 15 drawings to it, according to them, of the future MacBook.

Apple has to pay the hackers by May XNUMXst, while the hackers will publish new files every day.

The hackers say that they were specifically waiting for Apple's presentation to know for sure that the new MacBooks will not be released. They added that they had contacted a supplier who had their data stolen but refused to pay.

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What the vendor Quanta Computer says

The Taiwanese company Quanta Computer, which supplies all the parts for the MacBook, has confirmed that their servers have been attacked. But what data got to the hackers was not specified.

What Apple says

An Apple spokesman declined to comment on the payout to hackers.

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