Russian football clubs suspended from participation in European championships - ForumDaily
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Russian football clubs suspended from participation in European championships

The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has not allowed Russian football clubs to play in the Champions League and Europa League for the 2022/2023 season, reports with the BBC.

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“There will be no Russian clubs in UEFA club competitions in the 2022/23 season,” the UEFA press service said.

Russian clubs and teams were suspended from participation in international tournaments by UEFA and FIFA decisions of February 28 due to the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine.

The decision was made with the wording “until the next message.”

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The decision to ban Russian clubs from European competitions and national teams from European tournaments was not final, European officials had two options: officially ban national teams and clubs for the entire next season, or continue the current ban until the next announcement.

The second option left Russia with a chance to fight for access to the Euro. But UEFA officials chose the hard, first option.

Thus, the men's team will not only miss the Nations League, but will also not be able to take part in the qualifying tournament for the European Championship 2024, since it starts in March 2023.

In addition, there will be no Russian teams next season in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Conference League, UEFA Women's Champions League and UEFA Youth League.

In addition, UEFA rejected Russia's bid to host the European Championships in 2028 or 2032. Russia's plans to bid to host Euro 2028 or Euro 2032 were announced in March by President of the Russian Football Union Alexander Dyukov.

While the RFU is going to file lawsuits with the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, the teams are losing money and legionnaires.

First of all, excommunication from European competitions will hit Zenit. The team of Sergei Semak just won the "gold" of the championship of Russia ahead of schedule and was supposed to play in the Champions League. Missing one tournament will cost the St. Petersburg club tens of millions of dollars in losses. Only due to the prize money, Zenit in the Champions League earned about $ 42 million. And there are also sponsorship contracts, commercial income, proceeds from ticket sales. Thus, the loss of the richest club in Russia can reach $ 105 million, reports KP.

Highly paid legionnaires can scatter on leases. And whoever they can sell, they will sell. In addition, the ratings of Russian clubs and teams are likely to drop. This means that in the draws Russia will have strong opponents in a year and will have few places in the Champions League.

Also, Russians and Belarusians turned out to be superfluous at the most prestigious tennis tournament, reports Championship.

The UK Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) has issued an official statement, together with the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC), according to which Russian and Belarusian tennis players will not be able to take part in tournaments under their auspices in 2022, including the Grand Slam tournament on the grass - Wimbledon. The decision applies to both senior and junior competitions.

“If circumstances change significantly between now and June, we will review the applications of Russian and Belarusian tennis players and respond accordingly,” the press release says.

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The LTA became the first tennis organization to deny the representatives of Russia and Belarus access to the competition. At the moment, athletes from these two countries are allowed to compete under the auspices of the ATP, WTA and ITF in a neutral status.

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