Russian businessmen offer money to Ukrainian authorities to lift sanctions
Some Russian bIznesmeny, who are under the sanctions of the West, offered money to Ukraine in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. Writes about it Business Insider.

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Billionaire oligarch Mikhail Fridman and several other Russian businessmen have approached Ukraine to make such an offer, the Financial Times reported, citing people involved in the process. When the proposals were made is not specified.
Many wealthy Russians have been sanctioned by the West in connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Now many of them are looking for ways to get out of the sanctions that limit their opportunities.
Some of them are being watched by Russia and fear punishment (such as poisoning) if they oppose the war.
But Ukraine is not open to their proposals. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has abandoned the idea of lifting sanctions against Russian businessmen.
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Rostislav Shurma, deputy head of Zelenskiy's office, said: “Ukraine does not use sanctions as a bargaining tool. It's a matter of principle. The main purpose of sanctions is to stop the war, not to find some conditions that can be agreed to.
In the case of Friedman, Zelenskiy said he would only accept the offer if the Ukraine-born Friedman denounces Vladimir Putin, destroys his Russian passport and becomes more critical of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Friedman denied ever talking about obtaining Ukrainian citizenship with the Kyiv authorities.
It is unclear whether Ukraine has completely rejected all Russian proposals.
Friedman has previously said Russian oligarchs cannot convince Putin to stop the war or change it, although some have publicly called for it to end.
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One of the Russian businessmen under sanctions said that the Russians under sanctions will not be able to overthrow Putin, because none of them are close enough to him.
In May, Western officials considered lifting sanctions against Russians if they donated money to Ukraine.
Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada, proposed the idea at the G7 Financial Summit.
It is unclear whether this idea was completely rejected, but there have been no public precedents when someone's sanctions were lifted for helping Ukraine.
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