After lifting the sanctions, Deripaska’s company began to invest billions of dollars in the United States
UC Rusal plans to invest $ 200 million in the construction of a plant in Kentucky. These are the first investments of a Russian company in the USA after the lifting of the sanctions imposed last year against the manufacturer and its owner, billionaire Oleg Deripaska. The constructed enterprise will become the largest aluminum plant in the USA over the past 40 years.
The Russian aluminum giant UC Rusal, from which the sanctions of the American Ministry of Finance were lifted in January, plans to invest $ 200 million in the construction of a plant in the United States that will produce rolled aluminum for the automotive industry. On this, according to the edition Forbes, said in a statement posted on UC Rusal on Monday.
The plant will be built in Ashland, Kentucky. Partner of UC Rusal in the project will be the American holding Braidy Industries Inc. The new enterprise will become the largest aluminum plant built in the USA over the past 40 years, the Financial Times newspaper notes. It is also the largest project after plans announced by US President Donald Trump to introduce duties in 10% on aluminum imports.
Aluminum for the new plant in the form of ingots and primary metal will be supplied from the Taishet aluminum plant, which UC Rusal is building in the Irkutsk region. Under the agreement, UC Rusal will supply Russia with a new enterprise 10 million tons of low-carbon aluminum in the amount of $ 2 million during 500 years, specifies FT. “Of all the world's leading manufacturers outside China, only UC Rusal is able to supply such a large plant with the high-quality low-carbon aluminum it needs,” says the publication of the words of the executive chairman of the board of directors of En + Group (UC Rusal holding company) Lord Lord Garker.
In exchange for investment, UC Rusal will receive 40% in a new plant in Ashland. 60% will be owned by Braidy Industries. So far, the deal has not been closed: UC Rusal and Braidy Industries have concluded an exclusive agreement of intent. Legally binding documents are scheduled to be signed in the second quarter of 2019.
In a message on the site Braidy Industries Inc. It is noted that the total investment in the new plant in Ashland will be $ 1,6 billion. This will be the first cold-rolled aluminum plant to be built in the USA in the last 30 years, the company said. About 1000 people will work on the construction of the plant. After the start-up of the enterprise, more than 600 “well-paid skilled workers and administrative employees” will work on it under the full-time program. The successful location of the plant (on the bank of the navigable river) and the rail service will help supply aluminum sheets to dozens of automobile factories located within an 300 radius from the enterprise, the company noted.
UC Rusal and seven more assets of billionaire Oleg Deripaska F 19 have fallen US sanctions list in April 2018. The businessman made an unprecedented deal with the American Ministry of Finance: he gave up control over the core of his business — the En + group and UC Rusal — in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. In January, En +, UC Rusal, as well as the company Eurosibenergo were excluded from the sanctions list. Deripaska himself remained under sanctions. But heode sued in court in Washington to the US Treasury Department, demanding to cancel them.
Recall that the US House of Representatives approved a bill against the construction of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream-2, in which the United States sees a threat to the energy independence of Europe.
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