Republicans Gain Control of the House of Representatives: Trump Now Controls the Entire Congress - ForumDaily
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Republicans Gain Control of House of Representatives: Trump Now Controls Entire Congress

The Republican Party has secured full control of the US government after media outlets predicted it would win several tight House races, reports Air force.

Photo: American © William Perry |

Republicans won the Senate majority this week, and Donald Trump won the presidency. The triple victory, similar to the one achieved at the start of Trump’s first term in 2017, will give the president-elect significant powers to implement his agenda on the economy, immigration and other key issues.

That leaves Democrats with fewer options to push back on policies they disagree with. Republicans' slim lead in the Senate could make their job a little more difficult, with insufficient votes to take some actions.

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CBS News, the BBC's US partner, predicts that Republicans will have at least 218 seats in the House of Representatives, while Democrats will have 208 when the new congressional term begins in January.

A majority in the 435-seat chamber is achieved when a party wins 218 seats. CBS predicts that the Republicans' final seat count will likely be between 220 and 222.

In the 100-seat Senate, Republicans will control 53 seats, while Democrats and independents will hold 47 seats.

What kind of majority the Republicans will have in the House of Representatives remains to be seen.

Trump has nominated several House members to top positions in his administration, including Michael Walz of Florida, who is being named national security adviser, and Elise Stefanik of New York, who will serve as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Their removal from the House means the seats will remain vacant until a special election is called to replace them.

Still, majorities in both houses of Congress mean Trump will have broad support and a more open path to implement his agenda.

The president-elect has promised sweeping changes in his first 100 days in office, including launching mass deportations of illegal immigrants in the U.S., pardoning some of those who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and reversing environmental policies put in place by the Biden-Harris administration.

This likely means quick confirmation of presidential appointments, including department heads and judges.

With the next midterm elections scheduled for 2026, Trump will have at least two years of relative freedom from congressional oversight.

House Republicans are expected to retain Trump ally Mike Johnson as House speaker.

“Nobody worked harder than the speaker, so I think he got this opportunity,” Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma said Nov. 13. “I think Trump has made it clear how much he appreciates everything that Mike Johnson has done.”

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Republicans reclaimed the House majority they lost to Democrats in 2022, though that victory was marred by infighting and a razor-thin majority that made consensus difficult.

A slim Republican lead this time could lead to a similar situation, forcing Johnson to rely on Democratic votes to pass some legislation.

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