Record highs, floods and freezes: how the weather will surprise Americans
After a week of maximum temperatures for this period in the south, at least one day of extreme heat was recorded.
On Thursday, 3 of October, almost 150 records for October were registered - from the south to the midwest and north-east of the country.
For example, in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Thursday the temperature reached 100 degrees (+ 37,7 Celsius). The indicator became not only the highest temperature ever recorded in October, but also the hottest this summer.
In Macon, Georgia, a thermometer bar showed 102 degrees (+ 38,8 Celsius) - the hottest October temperature ever recorded. This year in Macon, temperatures over 90 degrees (+ 32,2 Celsius) lasted 126 days, which was a new record.
Yesterday, on October 3, Atlanta again recorded the highest October rate at 98 degrees (+ 36,6 Celsius).
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Friday, 4 of October, will be no less hot. Many areas in the south will again show a record high in October.
After that, a decline will come in the south of the country. Over the weekend, expected 80 degrees (+ 26,6 Celsius).
The cool air will end the heat in the south and bring the first frosts and frosts in the northeast and Great Lakes.
10 states, from Michigan to Massachusetts, have announced frost warnings. In some areas, temperatures will drop below zero.
Meanwhile, a flood warning is relevant in the southwest.
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Over the past 24 hours, up to 4 inches (10,6 cm) of rain has fallen in eastern New Mexico and Texas, causing a flash flood.
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