U.S. police suicides hit historic highs in 2019
According to the nonprofit organization Blue HELP, the number of suicides among current and former police officers in the US has reached a record high. In 2019, 228 police officers took their own lives, unlike 172 in 2018, writes ABC News.

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“I really hope that 2020 will be the year when everything changes. I want suicide prevention to receive the same efforts that we are making to prevent death in the line of duty, ”said group founder Karen Solomon.
According to Blue HELP, the highest number of suicides was recorded in New York State - 27. This is followed by California - 23, Texas - 19 and Florida - 15. Among these 27 in New York, 10 were employees of the New York Police Department.
“The pace of the New York City Police Department is relentless. Job requirements, financial constraints, and living in New York are a challenge, ”said John Adler, a former director of the Justice Bureau of the Department of Justice and a former New York law enforcement officer.
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Adler said working in a big city may mean many police officers are exposed to more stressful events with greater frequency. This can break down the officer's "mental wall" and the sheer volume of negative memories can lead to dire consequences.
Among the 228 officers who died as a result of suicide in 2019, about 90% are men. About 25% are veterans who have served for at least 20 years.
Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Police Research Forum, said the Blue HELP rate of 228 suicides for 2019 is underestimated.
“Suicide is the number one security issue for cops.” And we need more effective research in order to better understand this national problem, ”explained Wexler.
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