New York's highest-paid professions ranking - ForumDaily
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Ranking of the highest paid jobs in New York

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The Zippia Employment Site conducted an analysis of the labor market in New York and concluded that, at least, representatives of 87 positions in the city receive a salary of $ 100 thousand a year or more. A total of 769 registered posts in the city.

We offer you a list of the highest paid professions in New York, based on the results research.

Top 20 highest paying jobs in New York:

  1. Anesthesiologist - $257 per year;
  2. Orthodontist - $239;
  3. Surgeon - $226;
  4. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon - $212;
  5. Manager - $211;
  6. Dentist - $190;
  7. Gynecologist - $190;
  8. Therapist - $187;
  9. Marketing Manager - $186;
  10. Sales Manager - $183;
  11. Family doctor - $181;
  12. Advertising Manager - $180;
  13. Financial manager - $180;
  14. Doctor - $177;
  15. Doctors working in the field of dentistry - $173;
  16. Psychiatrist - $173;
  17. Computer and Information Systems Manager - $166;
  18. Anesthesiology nurse - $160;
  19. Public Relations and Fundraising Manager - $158;
  20. Pediatrician - $157.

Top 100 of the highest paid professions in New York can be viewed here.

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