American Flight to New York urgently sat down in Chicago due to broken toilets - ForumDaily
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American Flight to New York urgently sat down in Chicago due to broken toilets

According to Flightradar24, which tracks flights around the world, 18 in March had a flight of American Airlines from San Francisco to New York in March, and was unplannedly rerouted to Chicago. The reason for the emergency landing was the broken toilets of the aircraft.

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An American Airlines flight that was carrying an 74 passenger flew from San Francisco around 11: 10 EST and was supposed to arrive in New York around 16: 36 EST, writes Fox News.

According to the company, the flight was redirected to Chicago, when the toilets on the plane became unusable (what exactly happened was not specified).

Flightradar 24 tweeted that “the plane spent 45 minutes to Chicago to return toilets to a working state”.

The airline stated that the flight took place at 16: 12 EST.

“We are committed to ensuring there is no disruption to our customers' travel plans and regret the disruption caused by the rerouting for the 74 passengers on this flight,” the airline said in a statement.

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