The child found a gun in the couch in the IKEA store and started shooting - ForumDaily
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The child found a gun in the couch in the IKEA store and started shooting

In the suburbs of Indianapolis, a child fired a loaded pistol, finding him in the couch of an IKEA store.

Фото: Depositphotos

Police said no one was hurt by a shot that happened around 14 hours on Monday, June 25, in a furniture store along Interstate 69 northeast of Indianapolis.

According to Sergeant Tom Weger, the owner of the weapon did not know that the gun fell from his pants when he was sitting on the couch. Later, the child found a gun and fired. About the age of the child is not reported.

Weger added that no arrests were made and it is not known whether the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office will initiate any criminal charges.

IKEA store said in a statement about cooperation with the police and the absence of a ban on carrying weapons in the store.

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