REAL ID ACT: What you need to know about changes in US identification documents
Beginning with 22 January 2018, the law governing the new ID card format, the REAL ID Act will enter a new phase, which is why many Americans will not be able to use a driver's license as an ID.
The REAL ID Act was adopted in 2005 year as one of the steps to tighten the requirements for the identification of persons after the September 11 attacks on 2001. He puts more stringent requirements regarding the information provided for obtaining a driver's license, which is used as an ID at the state level.
The FBI recommended that the US government unify the requirements for obtaining these documents in all states in order to increase the level of control over their issuance. Now the law is partially in effect, requiring to present updated identity documents when visiting federal and military facilities.
After the law enters into force finally, the residents of most states will need an identity card in a new format or a passport, so queues are expected at their offices, which means it’s worth thinking about these documents in advance, because there will also be those who need to update their passport because of expiration or visa pages therein.
Parts of Americans simply need to update their driver's license so that they meet the new requirements if the state has already changed them in accordance with the REAL ID Act. In this case, it is necessary Contact your state's issuing agency to find out how to get a new driver's license if the state issues them.
However, not all states have updated their driver’s license format, so since January 2018, they will lose the status of identity cards and will not be accepted by airlines for boarding even with domestic flights to the USA.
As of September 2017 of the year, 26 of the states and the District of Columbia are issuing driver licenses of a new type, 23 of the state has received a deferment on the implementation of REAL ID Act.
State residents who do not begin to issue updated driver's licenses before 22 in January 2018 will need to issue a passport or ID card.
How to apply for a new passport
Application for the manufacture of a passport can be submitted through State Department websiteas well as local office postal service. The State Department website can also familiarize with the requirements and download the necessary forms.
Detailed information on the forms, terms and cost of a US passport can be found in ForumDaily “Everything you need to know about an American passport".
Department of Homeland Security prepared clarifications and answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning REAL ID Act.
REAL ID does not apply to the following areas:
- Entrance to federal facilities that do not require the presentation of an identity card;
- Voting or registering to vote;
- Applying for or receiving federal benefits;
- Getting a driver's license state;
- Access to health care services, law enforcement or constitutional agencies (including access to legal proceedings);
- Collaboration with law enforcement agencies or participation in investigations.
The law on REAL ID for flights is introduced in stages:
- From 15 in July, 2016, TSA, together with airlines and interested parties at the airport, began to issue web-based tips and notices for travelers;
- From 15 December 2016, TSA began distributing handouts at airport checkpoints, and also posted signs announcing upcoming changes.
- Beginning with 22 in January 2018, passengers with a driver's license issued by states that have received a delay in the introduction of REAL ID will have to present an alternative identity card for boarding domestic flights. Passengers with driver's licenses that comply with the REAL ID will be able to use their driver's license as an identity card when boarding an aircraft.
- From October 1 2020, all passengers will need a license complying with REAL ID or other acceptable form of personal identification for domestic flights in order to board the aircraft.
A list of acceptable forms of ID cards for boarding can be found on the website. TSA.
Should minors have a driver's license to board the plane for domestic flights?
TSA does not require children under the age of 18 to provide an ID when boarding US flights if they travel with a companion. In this case, the person accompanying them will need an acceptable identity card.
Is the passport the only other option for an identity card if the state has not started issuing certificates that meet the requirements of REAL ID?
Not. TSA also accepts several other forms of identity documents, and will continue to do so after the REAL ID takes effect. A list of acceptable forms of ID cards for boarding can be found on the website. TSA.
Beginning with 22 in January 2018, travelers who do not have an acceptable identity card will not be allowed to board the aircraft.
How will the entry into force of REAL ID affect the issuance of driver’s licenses and maps of city residents to immigrants or illegal immigrants who now have the opportunity to receive them in some states?
Such temporary identity cards will continue to issue, but they will have a special design, noting that they can not be used for official purposes, and I lie no more. than a document giving the right to drive a car or use the services of the city.
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