Labor Day sales: which stores will have the best discounts - ForumDaily
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Labor Day Sales: Which Stores Will Have the Best Discounts

Labor Day weekend, the unofficial close of the summer season, will soon be upon us. This means there are big sales ahead, where you can cheaply buy something you’ve been eyeing for several months. This is a great opportunity to stock up on necessary things - from garden furniture to clothes and more, the site writes Good Morning America.

Photo: Mariia Fadeeva |

When do Labor Day sales start?

Although Labor Day itself will be September 2nd, some retailers have already started holding early sales on mattresses. There will be more sales towards the end of August and throughout the holiday weekend.

What are the best Labor Day deals?

Last year, some of the best Labor Day deals included grills and patio sets, large appliances and summer clothing. Keep an eye out for seasonal items that may be discounted right now. Sales were also held on seasonal sports equipment.

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Labor Day Sales

Bear: Buy mattresses for 35% off and get free sleep accessories.

Nectar: mattresses with up to 40% discount.

Sleep number: Save up to 40% on select smart beds.

Lulu and Georgia: From August 23 to September 9, save 20% on everything at Lulu and Georgia, and in the meantime, take advantage of 20% off home accessories during the brand's summer event.

Lowe's: Now through August 21, save up to 35% on select major appliances at Lowe's.

Macy's: The Labor Day sale will run from August 28 to September 2 and will include discounts on jewelry, shoes, bags, women's and men's clothing. Expect discounts on brands like Levi's, Hotel Collection, Cuisinart and more, but in the meantime, Macy's sale is offering items for the new school year: From August 13 to 18, find discounts on girls' dresses, graphic tees, cargo pants and backpacks.

Crate & Barrel: from August 22 to September 4, buy the best-selling furniture at a maximum of 50% cheaper. Offering up to 60% off decor, linens and rugs, up to 60% off entertainment, up to 40% off top kitchen brands and more. It is already possible to buy brands such as Le Creuset and Cuisinart at a discount of up to 40%.

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eloquii: fall styles are already at Eloquii, but right now you can find up to 50% off summer items. Use code EQSHOPAUG.

Laura Geller: buy goods on summer sales! Labor Day discounts are expected from August 28 to September 5.

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