Five Most Scenic Roads in Los Angeles - ForumDaily
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The Five Most Scenic Roads in Los Angeles

If you live in or around Los Angeles, all you need for a perfect weekend or a reboot is a car. A simple road trip in Southern California is a wonderful source of new impressions and a good mood.

Scenic routes through Los Angeles and its surrounding areas pass through mountain ranges and along the ocean coast. Renting a car in Los Angeles will provide a cooler and more unforgettable vacation than buying an airline ticket. Visitors and residents of the city often rent cars from a company founded Russian-speaking immigrant. A simple and clear name - "Car rental", as well as favorable prices (from $250 per week) and XNUMX-hour service made it popular in the local market.

So, rent a car, fill up your tank or charge your batteries – we're off!

Palo Verde Drive around the Palo Verde Peninsula

As the South Bay beaches give way to golden cliffs, nearly 20 miles of scenic roads stretch along the coast from the edge of Torrance to San Pedro. Start the drive with a spectacular view of the Santa Monica Mountains from a small parking lot at the intersection of Paseo del Mar and Palos Verdes Drive in Palo Verde Estates.

The first third of the route is mostly spent in luxury coastal neighborhoods. But after Point Vicente, the views from the car window change dramatically. For a few kilometers after Terranea, driving along a winding road, you will see only hills on the ocean shore. Once you enter San Pedro, the landscape becomes more industrial. But there is a charm in these views of the Port of Los Angeles. You can finish the route at the Korean Bell of Friendship.

  • Length: 22,5 kilometers
  • Time: 30 minutes

Malibu Canyon to Pacific Coast Highway

When a small blue sign on Las Virgenes Road announces “beginning of scenic route,” it’s not a joke. Just beyond it, a cluster of apartment complexes give way to stunning views of the Santa Monica Mountains and picturesque canyons. The smell of the ocean accompanies you the entire way. As you reach Pepperdine Meadow, look out for the deer grazing peacefully there. Then turn right onto Pacific Coast Highway (PCH).

The rest of the PCH offers views of the sparkling ocean, where the mountains meet the turquoise waters. While you can continue on to Point Mugu, we don’t recommend it—once you cross the county line, the road becomes less interesting. Instead, stop at Point Dume and head back via Kanan Dume, which winds through green hillsides.

  • Length: 38,5 kilometers
  • Time: 35 minutes

Angeles Crest Highway to Mount Wilson

Ten minutes after leaving the freeway, you'll climb a kilometer up the Angeles Crest Highway. From there, the road climbs as the highway winds through rocky slopes. Here, you can see patches of vegetation recovering from the fires.

When you reach the Red Box Picnic Area, turn right for the most majestic five miles around. The impossibly narrow road clings to the mountainside, with dense evergreen forests sprouting from the rock walls to your right. To your left, every turn opens up new views of the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains. This is one of the most surreal roads in the Los Angeles area, especially as it eventually leads to a cluster of radio towers and the Mount Wilson Observatory.

Alternatively, if the road to Mount Wilson is closed (which is often the case in winter due to snow), you can continue east on Angeles Crest to more mountainous terrain.

  • Length: 27 kilometers
  • Time: 35 minutes

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive is a unique place, a drive along which evokes unusual emotions. This road passes by classic romantic movie locations and makes you remember Hollywood chase scenes. Here you leave behind the hustle and bustle of the big city (well, maybe rush hour traffic can remind you of it) and immerse yourself in a Hollywood dream, where nature is as beautiful as the magnificent houses.

Start at the east end of the road near Hollywood Bowl Overlook, the only viewpoint with a clear view of the southern horizon. After about half a dozen viewpoints overlooking the valley, you'll arrive at San Vicente Mountain Park. It's worth ending the trip there. The road then turns into a dirt trail closed to cars, which rejoins the road near Topanga Canyon.

If you're up for a little more hiking, there's a side entrance to Runyon Canyon that takes you west of the Hollywood Bowl overlook. Also, just past the junction with Coldwater Canyon Drive, consider stopping at the alpine lakes that surround Franklin Canyon Park.

  • Length: 22,5 kilometers
  • Time: 50 minutes

Linda Vista via Arroyo Seco

There’s no shortage of gorgeous roads in Los Angeles, but few are as beautiful as Linda Vista Avenue in Pasadena. As you head south parallel to the Rose Bowl, a small sign lets you know you’re on what’s officially designated a “scenic drive.” But we recommend heading west first on Chevy Chase Drive, where you’ll climb through communities tucked into the hills above Glendale before passing the Art Center campus and the picturesque views of the Arroyo.

Then, as you descend Linda Vista, you'll pass stately but not vulgar homes shaded by old trees. Eventually, the road will lead you to the freeway - cross it and turn left onto the historic Colorado Street Bridge.

  • Length: 11 kilometers
  • Time: 15 minutes

Material prepared in partnership with

Car Rental Los Angeles

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Email: [email protected]
Instagram: major_rentals_la

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