Putin Threatens US With New Cold War in Response to US Missile Deployment in Germany - ForumDaily
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Putin Threatens US With New Cold War in Response to US Missile Deployment in Germany

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States that if Washington begins to deploy long-range missiles in Germany in 2026, Russia will install similar missiles near the borders of the NATO bloc. The United States plans to deploy missiles in Germany in 2026 to demonstrate its readiness to defend Europe and NATO countries, officials in Washington and Berlin said in early July. The Guardian.

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According to Washington and Berlin, preparations are underway for the long-term deployment in Europe of such types of long-range weapons as SM-6 and Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as hypersonic weapons with a greater range than those currently in service in Europe.

On June 28 in St. Petersburg, Putin spoke to sailors from Russia, China, Algeria and India. This happened at a meeting dedicated to Russian Navy Day. The Russian leader said that such a step could provoke a Cold War-style crisis.

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“The flight time of such missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads to targets on our territory, will be about 10 minutes,” the head of the Russian Federation said. “We will take mirror measures to deploy our missiles, taking into account the actions of the United States and its satellites in Europe and other regions of the world.”

Putin said that the United States is fueling tension in the world. They allegedly transferred Typhon missile systems to Denmark and the Philippines. The Russian dictator compared the US plans to NATO's decision to deploy Pershing II launchers in Western Europe in 1979.

At the time, the Soviet leadership, including General Secretary Yuri Andropov, feared that the deployment of the Pershing II was part of a complex US plan to decapitate the Soviet Union and destroy its political and military leadership.

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The Russian president repeated his warning that Moscow could resume production of intermediate- and shorter-range nuclear missiles and then consider options for where to place them if the United States brings similar missiles to Europe and Asia.

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