Fluffies are also cold: in what weather you should not walk the dog - ForumDaily
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Fluffies are also cold: in what weather you should not walk the dog

A powerful winter storm is raging in the USA, but for dog owners, bad weather is not a hindrance to a walk. Maybe it's too cold to walk the dog now? Edition National World already knew everything and hurried to tell you.

Photo: IStock

When temperatures drop, it's important to keep your dog warm in winter weather and while walking.

But how do you know when it's too cold to walk your dog, and how do you warm it up?

When it's too cold to walk the dog

Many four-legged owners wonder if there are weather conditions in which it is too cold to walk their pets. This may be a difficult decision.

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Common sense must be used when deciding whether to take your dog for a walk in bad weather and how long to expose it to freezing temperatures.

Academics from Tufts University in Massachusetts believe that any temperature between -1°C and +4°C can be "potentially unsafe" for small to medium sized dogs. While for large breeds this threshold varies from -6°С to +1°С.

They are convinced that potentially dangerous temperatures are -4°C for small dogs and -4°C to -9°C for medium dogs, with experts advising pet owners not to allow their pets to be exposed to such low temperatures for an extended period. time.

When it's too cold for a dog to sleep outside

Dogs should not be kept outdoors at temperatures below +10°C. It is vital that in cold weather, if your pet lives outside the house, he stays warm.

How to keep your dog warm

Keep your dog warm during extremely cold weather. Depending on the breed, some animals may have thick, fluffy coats, so leave it uncut and let the fur grow back during the winter months. If you have a short-haired dog, then help him keep warm by buying a coat for the cold season. It should be introduced gradually so that your dog can get used to the coat and feel comfortable in it.

If you're planning to walk your dog at night, it's a good idea to get some reflective clothing and a luminous collar or light attachment to help both you and your dog be visible on dark winter evenings.

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Storm in the USA

A winter storm left tens of thousands without power in six states. In the east, an estimated 11 million people in Florida and Georgia are still at risk from tornadoes. with the BBC.

The storm brought a blizzard to the Midwest as well. In Louisiana, officials confirmed three deaths and dozens of injuries as a result of the hurricane.

Power outages have also been reported in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. In Wisconsin alone, on the morning of December 15, 70 people were left without electricity.

In Florida and Georgia, millions of people could still experience tornadoes, and authorities have warned residents of "damaging winds." The risk is expected to pass by the evening of Thursday, December 15th.

Further north, forecasters expect snow and freezing rain to remain in the region until at least noon on Friday, December 16, across much of the country from the East Coast to the Midwest.

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