Refugee travel document: when is it needed and what you need to know - ForumDaily
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Refugee travel document: when you need it and what you need to know

A Travel Passport or Refugee Travel Document is a document that allows immigrants with Asylum (refugee) status to travel outside the United States and return without loss of status.

Photo: IStock

A Travel Passport or Refugee Travel Document is a document that allows immigrants with Asylum status to travel outside the United States and return without loss of status.

In this article US immigration lawyer Natalia Kolyada-Nelson shares the key Travel Passport information that immigrants need to know.

Is it necessary to get a Travel Passport to leave the United States?

Not always.

It all depends on your case: sometimes a travel document is required, sometimes it is desirable to obtain it, and there are also cases when this is not necessary.

Let's look at the main cases to make it clearer when it is necessary and when it is not necessary to obtain a Refugee Travel Document.

When do you need to get a Travel Passport

The document is required if you have already received refugee status, but have not received a Green Cant.

In such cases, a travel document is required.

When you don't need to get a Travel Passport

If you have refugee status and a green card, then you can leave and enter the United States on a green card.

In such cases, a Travel Passport is not needed.

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When a Travel Passport is not required, but it is desirable to obtain one

Each case is unique, so there may be situations where you have refugee status and a Green Card, but it is desirable to have a Travel Document to leave and enter the United States.

Here are common situations where this is necessary.

1. You are having problems renewing your passport.

Because of Asylum status and possible persecution, immigrants have difficulty renewing their passport (when it expires or has expired).

That is, you have a valid Green Card that allows you to return to the United States, but you need a Travel Passport to travel to other countries.

2. You are persecuted in your home country.

In such situations, it is recommended that you travel with a Refugee Travel Document rather than your native passport.

3. If immigration officers have doubts about the veracity of the data that you provided when obtaining political asylum.

For example, you claimed that you are being persecuted in your home country and you cannot renew your passport. And after receiving asylum in the United States, you were able to renew your passport and travel with it to other countries.

That is, the officer may have elementary questions that are not logically difficult to connect with your history and the reasons for obtaining political asylum. For example, if you are being persecuted at the state level, how were you able to renew your passport?

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What you need to get a Travel Passport

In fact, obtaining a Travel Passport is not difficult: all the necessary instructions are described on the USCIS website.

Let's go through the process briefly.

You need:

  1. Read the information on the USCIS website.
  2. Download from the USCIS website and complete I-131 form.
  3. Pay the filing fee.
  4. Submit the form and wait for your case to be processed.
Assistance in obtaining a Travel Passport

If you are having difficulty obtaining a Refugee Travel Document or have other immigration questions, you can contact immigration lawyer Natalia Kolyada-Nelson.

Natalia has been helping foreign citizens with issues related to US immigration law for over 10 years. You can get advice and professional help on your case.

Material prepared in partnership with

US immigration lawyer Natalia Kolyada-Nelson

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