'Dumplings, flowers brought, laid the table': how the Slavic diaspora supports the police in Portland - ForumDaily
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'They brought dumplings, flowers, laid the table': how the Slavic diaspora supports the police in Portland

Local authorities decided to cut the police budget by 15 million. Protesters consider this measure insufficient. And representatives of the diaspora, in particular the “Slavic Advisory Council”, which works with the police, considers the decision hasty, says "Voice of America".

Photo: Shutterstock

Defunding the police means jeopardizing the quality of life of local residents. This is what activists of the Slavic Advisory Council think. She works with the police and represents the interests of immigrants from Eastern Europe.

“This is important to us because Portland's population has increased by about 20% in the last 5 years. And more people mean more accidents and violations,” says the head of the organization, Andrey Shumik.

Photo: video frame "Voices of America"

The protesters are sure: the city can do without the police. They demand a reduction in the budget of law enforcement agencies, and eventually eliminate the police system.

“Look, not all slave owners were racists,” said Margo Smolyanskaya, one of the protesters. “But, nevertheless, they still owned people regardless of their views. It's the same with the police. Many people believe that there are good and bad police officers. But they are still the police, and the police system is a racist system, and we want to get rid of it.”

Margo Smolyanskaya is an American of Ukrainian origin. Her opinion is not shared by all immigrants. The “Slavic Council” conducted a survey among the diaspora about their attitude towards mass protests. The majority condemned the violence, supported police reforms, but did not agree with the authorities’ decision to reduce funding for law enforcement.

Photo: video frame "Voices of America"

“We do not agree with the local council hastily making decisions on programs that have been developed for years,” says Andrei Shumik.

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Police officer Natasha Gansberger is an immigrant from Serbia. She believes that the reason for the protracted protests is the lack of constructive dialogue. And the police, in her opinion, are taking the rap for unfair treatment of African Americans for centuries.

“This problem is broader than police issues,” she says. “It just so happened that we became the trigger for the national struggle.” Now we must all be responsible for the actions of several people. And all our previous efforts, our dedication today are in big question or are completely leveled out.”

For more than 3 months she has been sleeping for 5 hours a day. He says that the police are ready for overtime work. It is much more difficult to be the object of public anger and hatred.

Photo: video frame "Voices of America"

“When we hear insults directed at us every day, it’s very difficult psychologically,” admits Gansberger. “We are all someone’s children, wives, mothers.” You and I understand very well that in Serbia, Ukraine or Russia it would be very difficult to go to a police station, spit in the face of a policeman, call him names and not worry about your safety.”

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Protester Margot says such feelings are good for the cops.

“What they feel now is what many feel every day because of their skin color,” she says. — People with black or brown skin and gays - they still worry about their lives. So perhaps this attitude will help the police understand people who are so stereotyped.”

Photo: video frame "Voices of America"

However, there are those who support the police. For example, activists of Slavic communities decided to feed law enforcement officers with dumplings.

“One woman from the Slavic Council called,” says Gansberger. - He says: they say, our grandmothers want to bring you food. I thought: we are in the middle of a crisis, what kind of food? OK then. Two grandmothers came; one from Ukraine, one from Russia. They brought dumplings, flowers, set the table for the police... It was so sweet, I even burst into tears. So no matter how demoralized we were, they gave us hope and motivation to continue doing our job.”

Photo: still from Voice of America video

Earlier, Portland police were allowed to remove the surname strip from the uniform for security reasons. These patches were replaced by police numbers.

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