Holiday tips: how to thank people for services during the year
Calculation of how much tip you need to give for the service rendered to you is often more difficult than it should be. But this process can be complicated even more during holidays, when you need to calculate bonus tips, which depend on how often you received a certain service during the year.
To avoid confusion, controversy and complexity, edition Business Insider compiled a list of the most common situations in which the provider has the right to expect tips, as well as recommendations on how to calculate the amount of holiday tips, which are usually given at the end of the year.
Managing the building in which you live
Holiday tip amount: from 75 to 150 dollars.
Holiday tip amount: the amount you pay for a week's work.
A grumer serving your pet
Holiday tip amount: from 10 to 100 dollars, depending on the frequency of visits during the year.
Man walking your dog
The amount of holiday tip: payment for the week of his work, if you are a regular customer.
Garbage collector
Holiday tip amount: 15-25 dollars.
Recommended holiday tips: a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates (or from 50 to 150 dollars, if you prefer to thank him for his work with money).
Holiday tip amount: payment for a week of work if he works in your garden regularly; otherwise, $20 to $50.
Holiday tip amount: pay per week of work.
Holiday tip amount: 15 dollars (up to 25 dollars for exceptional service).
Holiday tip amount: 15 dollars (up to 20 dollars for exceptional service).
Newspaper Deliveryman
Holiday tip amount: 15 dollars (up to 25 dollars for exceptional service).
Parking attendant
Holiday tip amount: 15 dollars (up to 25 dollars for exceptional service).
Personal coach
Holiday tip amount: 20 dollars (up to 50 dollars for exceptional service).
Read also on ForumDaily:
How much can you earn in a restaurant in America
Three ways to make money while on vacation
How much and to whom should be tipped in the USA
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