Poroshenko and Volker met in Odessa aboard US destroyer - ForumDaily
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Poroshenko and Volker met in Odessa aboard the US missile destroyer

President Petro Poroshenko in Odessa, visited the destroyer "Donald Cook" of the US Navy, where he met with US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Walker.

The head of state noted that the visits of American ships are a clear demonstration of cooperation between Kiev and Washington, said official website of the President of Ukraine.

“We thank our reliable ally. It is from this angle that we perceive the development of our cooperation, including in the defense sector. The meeting on board the Donald Cook, which is a very frequent guest in the Black Sea, in Odessa, is extremely symbolic,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

“This is a legendary ship. And this is an important signal to the Kremlin in the fifth year of the occupation. The first thing is that Crimea is Ukrainian. Second, that freedom of navigation in the region will be ensured, as guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, that the Ukrainian-American partnership is united as never before. And we effectively cooperate in all areas, including defense,” the president emphasized.

“I really appreciate that our American partners have increased their military presence in the Black Sea in response to our request. This is an important response to the attack and act of aggression against Ukrainian ships that took place on November 25 last year. The Kremlin’s aggression, I want to emphasize, affects not only the vital interests of Ukraine. It also affects security issues of the EU and NATO in the Black Sea,” the head of state emphasized.

He added: “I emphasize, the Kerch Bridge project, when it was used as a precursor to attack Ukrainian ships. “The symbol of Nord Stream 2 may appear tomorrow for an attack in the Baltic Sea, and in any other position.”

“Today, investments in the security of Ukraine by the United States are a clear confirmation of investments in the security of the entire region and the entire world,” he emphasized.

The US Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, who is on a working visit to Odessa, noted that the United States is firmly supporting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“We stand and will always stand next to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in defense of freedom and democracy,” said Kurt Volker. “I am honored to be here with you today, Mr. President.”

Kurt Volker also stressed: “We are here as your good partners and friends. Maintaining freedom of navigation is also important for us. ”

“We condemn the Russian attack on Ukrainian sailors in the Kerch Strait and call for the release of Ukrainian sailors who are illegally imprisoned in Russia,” he stressed.

The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Irina Gerashchenko, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Konstantin Yeliseyev and the Commander of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Igor Voronchenko.

From the American side - US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of US Armed Forces Europe for Political Affairs Philip Reeker, US Permanent Representative to the EU Gordon Sondland, Deputy Prime Minister for Strategic Partnership Implementation of Romania, which currently chairs the EU, Anna Birchall.

Recall that the American missile destroyer "Donald Cook" (USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), February entered 19 in the Black SeaFebruary 25 arrived in Odessa. An American destroyer carrying Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of 1,6 thousand km, moored at a pier near the Odessa Maritime Station. The ship will stay in Odessa until February 27, reports Tsenzor.NET with reference to Duma.

DDG75 first appeared in the Black Sea in July 2007, then for the first time went to Odessa. The last time he visited the Ukrainian port in September 2015 of the year to participate in the joint Ukrainian-American exercises "Sea Breeze-2015". In April, 2014, at the height of the Russian seizure of the Crimea, was in Constanza, Romania.

This is the second time the destroyer has entered the Black Sea this year. At the end of January, Donald Cook stayed in the Georgian port of Batumi for five days.

USS Donald Cook (DDG75) is an early type of Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. Commissioned in August 1998. Length 154 meters, width 20, draft 9 meters. Total displacement is about 9000 tons. Speed ​​32 knots. It has on board 90 launchers for Tomahawk, Asrok and Standard-2 missiles, as well as Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Carries a variety of artillery, anti-aircraft and torpedo weapons.

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