Getting a green card: step by step instructions - ForumDaily
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Getting a green card: step by step instructions

Having a green card, or permanent residence permit, gives you the opportunity to legally live and work in the United States, and this is a step towards obtaining US citizenship. You can apply for a green card through your family, employer, and for other special reasons. This process can be time consuming, but the benefits are enormous. After reading this article based on material WikiHow, you will find out what you need to do to get a green card.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. Definition of a category of conformity

Determine if you can get a green card through the family.

This is one of the most common ways to obtain a green card and in many ways the easiest. If you are directly related to a US citizen, US immigration law allows your relative to petition for you to live in the US.

  • Many manage to get a green card as the closest relative of a US citizen. If you are the spouse of a US citizen, an unmarried child under 21, or a parent of a US citizen who is older than 21, your relative has the right to fill out an I-130 "Application for Foreign Relatives" form. Then you must go through the “Status Change” process to become a permanent resident of the United States. This procedure is somewhat different for people who are not yet in the United States, and is called “consular processing”; Visa issuance is administered by the US Department of State, and you will become a permanent resident as soon as you are allowed into the United States.
  • The procedure is similar, but longer, if you are trying to get a green card through a close relative who is a permanent resident but is not yet a US citizen.
  • If you are over 21 of the year, or you are married, your next of kin status changes, and this may delay the receipt of a green card in the “family member” category.
  • You can also get a green card for special family reasons, including if you are a child or spouse of a US citizen who is experiencing domestic violence, or a widow or widow of a US citizen, or a child of a foreign diplomat born in the USA.

Determine whether you are eligible for a green card through work.

This general category is divided into many subcategories, but essentially includes all cases of issuing a green card for reasons related to employment, investment or specialized work.

Determine whether one of the following situations applies to you.:

  • You have received a permanent job offer in the USA. If this is the case, then your employer will need to get a labor certificate.
  • You want a green card through investment. If you are an entrepreneur and have invested $ 1 000 000 or $ 500 000 in an enterprise that creates new jobs, planning to create at least 10 jobs for US citizens, you can apply for a green card through an investment. You need to fill out the I-526 “Application for Immigration by a Foreign Entrepreneur” form.
  • You have outstanding abilities and you want to apply for a green card yourself. Very talented and extremely qualified individuals who are considered the best in their field (Nobel Prize winners, leading athletes, etc.) can independently apply for a green card. This is an extremely rare category.
  • You fall under a special category of work. If you are an Afghan or Iraqi translator, an Afghan or an Iraqi who assisted the US government, a member of the armed forces, or fall into another special category, you can get a green card in this way.

Determine whether you qualify as a refugee or have the right to seek political asylum in the United States.

If you entered the United States as a refugee or seeking political asylum, or are the closest relative of a person seeking political asylum in the United States, you can apply for a green card after 1 a year after entering the country.

  • If you are in the country as a refugee, you must apply for a permanent residence permit after staying in the country for 1.
  • If you are in the country as a political refugee, you do not need to apply for a green card.

2. Filling out an application and checking the availability of visas

After you have figured out which category of immigrants you belong to, it is necessary that your family members or employer apply for you. In rare cases, you can apply for yourself.

  • If you receive a green card through your family, your relative must complete the I-130 “Petition for Foreign Relatives” Form.
  • If you receive a green card through your employer, your employer must complete Form I -140 "Application for a foreign worker."
  • If you are an entrepreneur investing money, you need to fill out the I-526 "Application for Immigration from a Foreign Entrepreneur" form.
  • If you belong to a special category, such as a widow or widower, fill out the I-360 form.
  • If you are a refugee or are seeking political asylum in the United States, then you most likely do not need to file a petition if you meet the requirements for status change.

Check the availability of visa quotas for your category.

As soon as your relative, employer, or you yourself filed the initial application, you should check the availability of visa quotas before filling out the remaining forms. The number of available visa quotas varies depending on your immigrant category and the country from which you emigrated.

  • For persons applying for a green card through the next of kin, the number of visa quotas is unlimited.
  • The number of visas issued to persons applying for a green card not through their close relatives and for employment purposes is limited. You will receive a priority date and will be included in the waiting list until the visa is available.
  • You will receive a “Visa Bulletin” which will allow you to check your place in the visa queue.

Fill out the I-485 "Application for registration for permanent residence or status change."

You must wait for your visa to be able to file this form. Read the instructions for completing this form and make sure that you have submitted all the necessary documents and information. Check the correct address to submit the form.

  • If you are applying for a green card through your next of kin, you can apply for I-485 at the same time as applying for your relatives, since the number of available visas in this category is unlimited.
  • The application fee is $ 1070.

3. Completion of the process and getting a green card

Submit your biometric data.

You will receive a notice of invitation to the Application Processing Center, where you will be fingerprinted, photographed and a sample of your signature will be taken. The Center uses this information for verification. In the future, your biometric data will be used to process your green card.

Go to the interview.

In some cases, you may be invited to an interview at the USCIS office to answer questions about your application. If you receive a notification, be sure to appear at the meeting. The notice must include the date, time, and location of the interview.

  • In some cases, a member of your family who has applied for a green card can also be invited for an interview.
  • Bring your travel documents, passports and all other relevant documents with you to the interview.

Wait for the final decision and get your green card.

USCIS will review all of your documents, evaluate your interview if it has taken place, and make sure that you meet all the requirements for obtaining permanent resident status. As soon as they make a decision, you will receive a notice by mail.

  • If your application has been rejected, you have the right to appeal.
  • If your application has been accepted, you will receive further instructions on how to receive the green card, including when it should be updated.

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