NYPD will not arrest students for certain crimes - ForumDaily
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NYPD will not arrest students for certain crimes

Police will stop arresting or interrogating students in New York for many crimes, such as drinking, smoking and vandalism. This is part of a radical change in New York politics.

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Noisy students will also be able to elude harassment, abuse, and other "lower level crimes" if school administrators can "safely" cope with these incidents.

“The welfare of these students should be the city's top priority,” said Maria Henderson, spokeswoman for the chair of the City Council's education committee.

“We need to focus on supporting them rather than punitive disciplinary action,” she added.

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The new policy is part of a major change on the part of the de Blasio administration.

The 2018 Department of Education issued a directive to give pupils “warning cards,” not tickets or handcuffs, for smoking in schools.

This led to a sharp reduction in school calls due to marijuana smoking, but did not stop the tide of drugs in schools such as Forest Hills High School, where director Ben Sherman had just been kicked out because he fired drug use out of control.

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Recall that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio hopes “More than tripled” to increase the number of adolescents who will be released from city prisons to court without bail, even if they were detained on such serious charges as armed robbery, assault and burglary.

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