The police opened fire on the 19-year-old American, taking his mobile for weapons. VIDEO
Police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, opened fire on an unarmed African-American man who was mistaken for another man - thinking he was holding a weapon, the officers shot the young man three times. In fact, he was holding a mobile phone in his hands.

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19-year-old Jerry Smith Jr. became the target of shooting after police ambushed him on the roof, according to a Milwaukee news station TMJ4. Fortunately, the young man survived. He has already sued the city, and also filed a federal lawsuit on civil rights, writes TheGrio.
The police personal cameras show that Smith did everything that the police told him. At some point, he tried to lie down on the ground before they opened fire on him. After the incident, the guy’s right leg will remain partially paralyzed for life.
“I really don't know why they shot me. Good thing I ran, but the officer scared me guys,” Smith said.
Smith explains that he escaped to the roof, where he was attacked, as he was, in description, a person who was being pursued by the police.
The video shows how Smith raises his hands and then lowers them. The officer fired three shots. One bullet hit the head of Smith, almost hitting his brain, the newspaper said.
Smith challenged the claim that he had a gun. He said he held a mobile phone and tried to call his mother.
None of the officers was fired, both of them will incur administrative penalties. The chief deputy district attorney Kent Lovern claims that the officers opened the shooting justifiably.
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