Trump's Assassin Exploits Security Flaw Secret Service Has Known About For Years - ForumDaily
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Trump's attempted assassin exploited a security hole the Secret Service had known about for years

The man, who was going to shoot Donald Trump on a West Palm Beach golf course, was able to exploit a security hole the Secret Service had known about for years, writes New York PostPhotojournalists have had no trouble finding good spots around the course to take pictures of Trump playing golf or riding in a golf cart.

Photo: Wellesenterprises |

Photographers used telephoto lenses to take line-of-sight shots through the bushes without being seen. Some reporters got as close as 70 meters to the president without the Secret Service even batting an eyelid.

"Photographers are amazed at how close they can get to Trump and his entourage," said a source at one photo agency.

Photographers typically identify themselves to the Secret Service to avoid being seen as a threat, but the informant says it's easy enough to evade agents.

Sources told the Washington Post that the Secret Service knew about the security threat and tried to warn Trump about it, but he believed his golf course was safe.

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The shocking new assassination attempt on the 45th president comes just two months after Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed onto a rooftop at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13 and fired eight shots at Trump wounding him in the ear.

Authorities say Ryan Wesley Routh came within 300 to 450 feet of Trump. The shooter spent 12 hours in a makeshift sniper's nest just behind a fence off Summit Boulevard, a busy thoroughfare near the Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach.

The golf course, which Trump often visits when he stays at Mar-a-Lago, is a vast open space spanning hundreds of square feet and surrounded by dense tropical shrubs and trees.

A source said it was "shockingly easy" for paparazzi to photograph Trump at his West Palm Beach field, with one even noting "dozens" of hidden gaps in the dense brush surrounding the field.

In areas where there is no obvious break in the tree line, it is possible to sneak a peek at the course. By parting the bushes, almost anyone can watch the golfers without being seen.

Even on the rare occasions when Secret Service agents see paparazzi near the field, they are rarely bothered, the source said.

The security is also very easy to spot when it arrives in its golf carts, meaning photographers can keep an eye on the security and, if necessary, retreat, lie low, and wait until Trump arrives.

"If security guards approach paparazzi, they quickly check their IDs and that's it," the source claims.

The outer edge of the field is littered with "No Trespassing" signs, but they certainly do little to deter those up to no good.

Trump was playing on the fifth hole when Secret Service snipers spotted the barrel of Root's gun sticking out of the chain-link fence between the sixth and seventh holes and opened fire on the suspect.

However, the location Routh chose for the ambush in West Palm Beach was not particularly favorable for the paparazzi.

"Ruth could have easily chosen a better location, but he may have been worried about being seen by photographers," the source explained.

It’s even easier to snap photos, he says, at the 45th president’s other golf resort in Florida, Trump National Doral, about 160 miles from West Palm Beach. The club has four courses, including the famed Blue Monster, which is “wide open” for paparazzi.

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At the other end of the security spectrum when it comes to Trump's golf resorts is his course in Bedminster, New Jersey, where state police often close off adjacent roads when the former president plays golf, and even photo agency sources admit that getting any photos there is difficult or impossible.

Root, 58, fled after being shot at by Secret Service agents but was arrested on I-95 in Palm City, about 65 miles north of Trump's golf course, thanks in large part to a bystander who saw the shooter get into a black Nissan to flee the scene and snapped a photo to share with law enforcement.

On the morning of September 16, Root was charged in federal court in Florida with a felony weapon charge.

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