Weather in New York: a new temperature record
Record warm for this time the weather settled today in New York, on the day when Christmas is celebrated on the Gregorian calendar in the USA. As confirmed by the US National Meteorological Service, right after midnight in Central Park in New York, the air temperature was 18,8 degrees Celsius, transmits
The previous record in this place on the same day was recorded in 1982 year. Then the air warmed to 17,7 degrees Celsius. In accordance with the results of long-term meteorological observations, the average temperature in December in Central Park ranges from 0 to 6 degrees Celsius.
Due to the abnormal weather, some New Yorkers go outside in shirts, shorts, and light shoes. Several dozen people came to the city beaches to go surfing. Other residents of the city went to the parks to play beach volleyball.
In the metropolis due to record heat, some plants began to bloom. So, flowers appeared on the Japanese camellia ahead of time, daffodils and roses bloomed in a number of city parks.
“It seems like it's Easter, not Christmas,” New Yorker Mike Hartel told reporters. According to weather forecasters, the temperature will remain unusually high for at least two more days. The formation of dense fog, which can interfere with the movement of cars, is also predicted.
Forum previously wrote that record high temperature in New York and New Jersey, some residents of the city feel that they have visited the tropics without leaving the city.
As the “Forum” wrote, record warm weather was observed on the East Coast of the USA since the beginning of winter.
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