To bribe Biden: how the authorities in Ukraine have corrupted the American democrats and influenced the US elections in favor of Clinton - ForumDaily
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To bribe Biden: how the authorities in Ukraine have corrupted the American democrats and influenced the US elections in favor of Clinton

Collage: ForumDaily

In the media and political agenda of the United States there was almost an earthquake. So much lobbied by the Democrats investigation of a possible conspiracy between US President Donald Trump failed miserably. On the eve of becoming known findings two-year investigation by US special counsel Robert Mueller. As it turned out, taxpayer funds were wasted for two years - there was no evidence of collusion between US President Donald Trump and Russia in an attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election. Moreover, during the investigation it was established that Trump did not do anything that could obstruct justice.

But this was not the only sensation. Literally at the same time, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko made no less sensational statement- He began an investigation into the possible interference of Ukrainian law enforcement in the US presidential election 2016, but only in favor - attention! - Hillary Clinton. The Attorney General’s questions were caused by the leakage of the Party of Regions ’financial reports in 2016 on deals with Paul Manafort, who at the time was in charge of the election campaign of the current US president. It was this leak that provoked the accusations in collusion with Russia aimed at discrediting Donald Trump, which was supposed to play into the hands of his main Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign 2016 of the year. Photo: Depositphotos

According to Lutsenko, he began an investigation after reviewing the audio recording, in which a high-ranking Ukrainian law enforcement officer allegedly said that his department had merged financial reports relating to Manafort to help the headquarters of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In an interview with Lutsenko, another interesting detail surfaced. As it turned out, the US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, appointed by Barack Obama, gave Lutsenko a list of persons whom he should not pursue,and refused to cooperate in the investigation of the misappropriation of US financial assistance in Ukraine. The embassy denied such allegations.

But this is not the only "sin" of the American ambassador. There is every reason to think that Yovanovych actually managed the manual anti-corruption authorities in Ukraine, created with American taxpayers' money, and the main activity of these bodies was to “protect” the business of the Ukrainian government together with top officials from the Democratic Party.

In this article we will tell about one of such examples - the largest gas producing holding Burisma, which was led by the region Nikolay Zlochevsky, suspected of illegal enrichment and money-laundering. On the dubious history of the closure of criminal proceedings against Zlochevsky already wrote many reputable media.

Sam Jovanovic, however, is criticized not only in Ukraine, but in the United States for her anti-tramp position. Previously a member of the House of Representatives Pete Seshins asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to fire JovanovicBecause she dismissively speaks of President Trump, stating that he will soon be impeached.

It is significant that President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in this situation took the side of Marie Yovanovitch, expressing its full support for the US ambassador to Ukraine and satisfaction with the strategic partnership with the United States. And there are reasons for this.

According to the information of ForumDaily, received from its own sources, during the presidential elections in the United States, it was through Petro Poroshenko’s appointed Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, Valery Chaly, that documents were transferred from Kiev to the headquarters of the Democratic Party. Without direct support Poroshenko all this could hardly happen. In addition, official Kiev regularly made statements in support of Hillary Clinton.

Petro Poroshenko has developed close relations with another prominent democrat and former US Vice President Joe Biden. He came to Ukraine several times, in particular in the last days of his work in the White House, literally 10 days before Trump’s inauguration. Poroshenko could count on Biden’s support in implementing a number of decisions on Ukraine. Biden, in turn, also benefited from having good relations with Poroshenko. Why? This is where the fun begins.

US Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during Biden's visit in January 2017. Photo: Depositphotos

What binds Joe Biden's son and Ukrainian minister suspected of corruption

In a recent interview on FoxNews, Peter Schweizer, an expert at the Government Accountability Institute, said:

"In April 2014, Biden came to Ukraine and at the same time his son Hunter Biden became a member of the board of the corrupt energy company Burisma, which was founded and led by the Energy Minister of Ukraine from the former pro-Russian government of Ukraine (meaning Nikolai Zlochevsky. - Ed.). We know for certain that Joe Biden has actively interacted with official representatives of Ukraine. His son for 14 months was associated with a bank account, which was received 3,1 million dollars from Ukraine. I want to remind you that Hunter Biden had no history of relations with Ukraine, just as he had no past with energy. According to the documents, his work allegedly consisted in meeting the requirements of the regulations. What attitude Hunter Biden had to Ukraine is unknown. All indications are that Joe and Hunter Biden received payments. ”, - told Peter Schweitzer, expert of the Government Accountability Institute.

An investigation into the links of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, with a dubious gas holding "Barisma" who was headed by the oligarch Nikolay Zlochevsky, who was close to Yanukovych (he held the posts of deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources), also published in 2015 The New York Times.

At the moment, law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the United States are investigating the circumstances surrounding the activities of the criminal organization created by the former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and created by him in 2010 in order to waste Ukraine’s assets and resources. And, as it became known to ForumDaily from its own sources, the information obtained during the investigation may indicate the corrupt actions of former US Vice President Joe Biden and other officials of the US administration.

As it became known in the course of this investigation, the entourage of Yanukovych needed to legalize the assigned assets, and they were looking for different possibilities to do this. In particular, Nikolay Zlochevsky suggested that European and American politicians who have influence on the leaders of the then opposition in Ukraine join the group of top managers of the oil and gas holding Burisma Group belonging to him. The holding made a profit due to the use of its official position by Zlochevsky. Yanukovych’s entourage hoped that influential Western politicians would prevent foreign law enforcement agencies from investigating their actions.

As a result, in January, 2014, the former President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski (at that time he mediated between the Yanukovych regime and the leadership of the European Union) joined the board of directors of the Burisma Group. However, after Yanukovych fled to Russia as a result of the Revolution of Dignity at the beginning of 2014, the initiative in relations with Kiev passed from the EU to the United States.

Therefore, in March 2014, through accessible lobbying channels, Zlochevsky offered John Kerry (then US Secretary of State) and Joe Biden (US Vice President in charge of US policy towards Ukraine) a share in the Burisma Group holding in exchange for lobbying activities and political support.

At the suggestion of John Kerry 22 on April 2014, Devon Archer (a close friend of Christopher Heinz who is John Kerry’s stepson) became a member of the board of directors of the Burisma Group. On the board of directors of the holding, based on misappropriation of Ukrainian state assets, Archer represented the business interests of the Kerry family and was responsible for organizing the company's interaction with government agencies in the United States and other countries.

According to testimonies and available investigative materials, Burisma Holding Limited (registered in Cyprus, registration number HE186236) was also involved in the commission of corrupt acts.

The funds credited to this company’s account, opened with AS PrivatBank (Latvia), were made by the following companies:

— Wirelogic Tehnology AS transferred funds totaling $14 and €665 (as payments under the loan agreement) between July 982 and July 366;

— Digitex Organization LLP transferred $1 (as payments under the loan agreement) between July 964 and December 375.

Subsequently, part of these funds were transferred from the accounts of the Burisma Group to the personal accounts of four individuals:

- Alan Apter - 302 euros for the period from August 885 to October 2013;

— Alexander Kwasniewski — 1 euros for the period from January 150 to October 000;

— Devon Archer — information about the amount of payments made is currently not available to law enforcement agencies in Ukraine;

- Hunter Biden - Information on the amount of payments made is currently not available to law enforcement agencies in Ukraine.

In the course of the investigation, it was possible to establish who exactly carried out the money laundering operations in favor of Zlochevsky and the Biden family - this person was interrogated as a witness. The investigation does not reveal his name. In addition, law enforcement officers have the originals of payment documents and technical devices with which the transactions were carried out. In May 2016, Archer was arrested in the United States on suspicion of securities fraud.

At the same time, Kate Bedingfield, then Joe Biden's press secretary, in response to suspicions that arose in 2015, statedthat Hunter Biden’s business relationship did not affect his father’s political stance toward Ukraine, writes the NYT. “Hunter Biden is a private citizen and lawyer. The Vice President does not endorse or have any affiliation with any specific company. For years, the vice president has insisted that Ukraine make every effort to investigate and punish corrupt practices in accordance with the principles of the rule of law,” she noted.

How Joe Biden influenced law enforcement in Ukraine

The investigation has reason to believe that, using the political and economic levers of influence already on the new Ukrainian government and manipulating the issue of providing Ukraine with financial assistance, Joe Biden actively promoted the closure of criminal cases against Zlochevsky and other representatives of Burisma Group.

Collage: ForumDaily

In addition, for several years he managed to actually block the activity of Ukraine’s law enforcement agencies in restoring state-owned assets appropriated by private individuals as a result of criminal activities, including other representatives of the Yanukovych regime. How can you not remember the lists of innocent persons that the US ambassador to Ukraine, according to Yury Lutsenko, passed to him?

In the course of these efforts and with the assistance of the American side in May 2014, Vitaly Kasko (a partner and one of the leaders of the law firm Arzinger) was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine. By his direct intervention, the investigation suggests that criminal cases initiated by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine (GPU) in 2014 – 2015 against those who appropriated state assets were frozen, and it was impossible to write off funds stored in Burisma Group’s arrested accounts.

These cases include:

— On May 7, 2014, the GPU opened criminal case No. 42014000000000375 on the fact of tax evasion by officials of ESCO-Pivnich LLC, Pari LLC, First Ukrainian Oil and Gas Company LLC, Scientific and Production Company. Zond LLC, Infox LLC (all companies are part of the Burisma Group holding).

— On August 5, 2014, criminal case No. 42014000000000805 was initiated on suspicion of Zlochevsky of committing a criminal offense under paragraph 3 of Article 368-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acquisition of ownership rights to assets by a person holding a particularly responsible position and authorized to perform state functions). In particular, he was accused of receiving unlawful income in the amount of $35 million while performing the duties of Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine from December 2013 to January 2014. On January 10, 2015, Zlochevsky was put on the national wanted list.

In the second half of 2014, as part of an ongoing investigation, the British Anti-Fraud Authority arrested the accounts of Brociti Investments LTD (part of the Burisma Group), which held 23,5 million dollars (recall, a little earlier, in April 2014 of the year, on the board of the Burisma Group John Biden's son entered, Hunter). Wherein The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine did not timely provide the information requested by this British agency, which could confirm the illegal origin of funds, and Zlochevsky’s lawyers provided the court with false information about the legal origin of the arrested funds. This data was confirmed in his testimony by an accomplice of Zlochevsky and his lawyer, who participated in the falsification of documents. Due to the lack of evidence in January 2015, the London court overturned the arrest of these accounts. “Frozen” funds were immediately transferred to offshore accounts in Cyprus.

It should be noted that the draft request to the United Kingdom for the provision of international legal assistance and the continuation of the arrest of Brociti Investments LTD funds was waiting for Kasko to sign with December 31 2014. But he used his public office to delay the sending of this request, citing the need for its consideration and improvement. As a result, the final version of the document was sent to the British side only on January 21 2015 of the year, after a London court decided to cancel the arrest of accounts.

Vitaliy Kasko, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Photo:

The former US ambassador to Ukraine, Jeffrey Payette, commenting on this situation, called for an investigation into the “misconduct” of prosecutors who delayed providing data, but did not mention in a single word about the connection of the son of the US Vice President writes nyt.

In addition, in March 2015, in order to remove the issue of returning state ownership of Ukraine from the jurisdiction of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, the American side initiated the creation of an interdepartmental working group to coordinate the return to Ukraine of assets illegally obtained by former Ukrainian high-ranking officials. This group was led by Kasko. The only result of the group’s activity was the draft law “On the National Agency of Ukraine for the Identification and Management of Assets Assigned by Persons as a Result of Corruption and Other Crimes”. This document received a positive assessment of the US Department of Justice, but caused a lot of critical comments from the European Commission and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine committees.

Despite strong criticism, this bill was passed by Parliament in November 2015. The law was signed by the President of Ukraine 9 December 2015 of the year, immediately after Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev (07-08 December 2015), which may indicate American pressure on the Ukrainian authorities.

Thus, the processes of collecting proceeds from crime were put under the control of representatives of the US State Department due to organizational and legal measures and were blocked for 2,5, which gave Zlochevsky and his foreign partners time to settle all issues with the Ukrainian authorities outside the court.

Law enforcement authorities of Ukraine under the influence of the United States

Another way to prevent the investigation of the criminal activities of former representatives of the Yanukovych regime was the creation of new law enforcement agencies to combat corruption, which are completely controlled by the American side - the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

In particular, the law on NABU was adopted a month before Joe Biden’s planned visit to Kiev, after which 20 million US dollars were allocated to Ukraine exclusively for anti-corruption reforms in the field of law enforcement. In addition, during negotiations with the Ukrainian government, the US Vice President assured that the Obama administration would consider allocating credit guarantees to Ukraine worth 1 billion US dollars in 2015 in the event that the creation of anti-corruption bodies was successfully completed under the conditions set by Washington.


Joe Biden also actively intervened in the process of appointing heads of established anti-corruption bodies. In particular, with the help of 16 on April 2015 of the year, Artem Sytnik, managing partner of Legal Guarantees, was appointed director of NABU. According to the information available, the main argument in favor of Sytnik was his consent to active cooperation with US government and law enforcement agencies.

In September, 2017, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko, accused NABU of illegally tapping 140 of Ukrainian officials from various branches of government. 24 January 2018, MP Borislav Rosenblatt, filed a lawsuit with the district administrative court of the city of Kiev with a request to invalidate Sytnik’s actions involving the involvement of FBI officers in intelligence operations in Ukraine without first concluding a relevant bilateral agreement. In addition, Sytnik was accused of initiating a criminal case against Alexander Onishchenko with the goal of removing companies under his control from the Ukrainian gas market in favor of Burisma Group.

Statements by his authorized persons, made in December 2017, about the possible termination of financial support for Ukraine by the United States in the event of Sytnik’s dismissal testify to Joe Biden’s interest in preserving Sytnik’s position as director of NABU.

After the creation of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office in September 2015, Joe Biden, US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette and the leadership of the Ukrainian office of Transparency International openly lobbied Kasko’s appointment as head of this department, including by exerting pressure on members of the selection committee through non-governmental organizations and the media information. However, on November 30, 2015, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin appointed Nazar Kholodnitsky to the post of his deputy and head of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office.

At the same time, Shokin organized and personally supervised the investigation into the facts of the corrupt activities of Zlochevsky and Joe Biden in Ukraine.

This caused Joe Biden's sharp discontent and during his visit to Kiev 7-8 December 2015, the US Vice President in the ultimatum form demanded that the President of Ukraine dismiss Shokin, threatening to refuse to provide Ukraine credit guarantees in the amount of 1 billion dollars.

US Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Photo: Depositphotos

As a result, this pressure led to the resignation of Shokin in April 2016 of the year, which unblocked the processes of Ukraine receiving American financial assistance. 3 June 2016, the US government and Ukraine signed an agreement on the provision of loan guarantees in the amount of 1 billion dollars.

Moreover, Joe Biden actively used the capabilities of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies he controls to fight his political opponents in the United States. In particular, it was NABU and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office that conducted a special information operation aimed at discrediting the head of Trump's campaign headquarters Paul Manafort.

In the fall of 2016, in connection with the upcoming US presidential elections, and also because of his possible resignation, Joe Biden initiated activities aimed at ending the criminal prosecution of Zlochevsky and Burisma Holding Limited, since the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine achieved new arrests of the company's assets.

First, Biden again tried to use the need of Ukraine for financial assistance. Thus, during his meeting with the President of Ukraine in the framework of the UN General Assembly (21.09.2016, New York), Biden said that the United States was ready to allocate another billion guarantees to 1. However, this proposal did not interest Kiev, since it was within the purview of the new administration of the US President, who was to be elected in less than two months.

As a result, an agreement was reached with Zlochevsky: they decided to stop criminal prosecution against him in exchange for transferring to the state budget of Ukraine part of the holding's profit in the form of accrued additional taxes over the past years in the amount of UAH 180 million, which amounted to only a small amount of income received by the holding company in the result of criminal activity.

Before Joe Biden’s last visit to Kiev, which took place on 16 on January 2017, the Burisma Group media office announced the termination of all proceedings and judicial actions in Ukraine regarding Zlochevsky and the companies that make up the holding.

However, this is not entirely true. At that time, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office continued procedural actions in criminal proceedings against Zlochevsky for abuse of power or official position, which had serious consequences. The said production was discontinued by the decision of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office from 01.08.2017.

According to the available information, during the last negotiations with the Ukrainian government, Joe Biden tried to get assurances from Kiev regarding the absence of any claims related to the activities of the Burisma Group holding company, as well as guarantees that people associated with this company would not be prosecuted. In exchange for this, Joe Biden offered his mediation in establishing relations with the administration of the new US president, which at that time was extremely relevant for Kiev because of their previous open support of another presidential candidate.

According to Fox News, In this case, a former Obama adviser and Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Greg Craig, is also being investigated by the US Department of Justice’s investigation.. He is accused of lobbying the interests of Yanukovich and his entourage in the United States without proper registration. It remains to hope that in this case the investigation, in the center of which this time a prominent Democrat was found, will also carefully analyze his activities and make a fair decision - despite his political affiliation.

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