Feel yourself on Mars: TripAdvisor offered users an unusual journey - ForumDaily
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Feel on Mars: TripAdvisor offered users an unusual journey

TripAdvisor and Astroland Agency, a Spanish company, offer those who wish to feel on Mars without going into space. TripAdvisor spoke about the “mission to Mars” in his blog, writes RTVi.

Before getting into a cave located in the Spanish municipality of Arredondo, the “astronauts” have to go through a four-week training session. Training will take place at the Astroland Center.

Under the supervision of experts, participants will learn to navigate in zero gravity and to go out into outer space. They will also pick up a special diet. Each participant will be determined by the position and the corresponding duties that he will have to perform during the "mission".

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

After the training is completed, the experts will decide which of the participants is ready to spend three days in the cave in "conditions as close to Mars as possible." Whether nearly seven thousand dollars that are worth participating in the project will be returned, those who do not pass the test are not specified.

Those who are ready for the “flight” will be accommodated at the hotel, will hold a briefing, will be given special costumes and will be allowed to record a “farewell message”.

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

Photo: Astroland Agency / Facebook

The depth of the cave is 60 m, the length is 1,2 km. Astroland Agency says that the expedition will help not only to feel the “harsh conditions of Mars”, but also to evaluate how three days in isolation will affect people's behavior.

The number of participants in the "mission" is limited to ten. By the end of the year there will be only five such missions. You can sign up here.

Recall that on August 22 the Russian Soyuz-2.1 launch vehicle kicked off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan with the Soyuz MS-14 spacecraft, on board of which is the anthropomorphic robot Fedor. Before launching the robot Fedor repeated the famous phrase of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin - “Let's go!”.

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