Russian Post launched a service for ordering goods from online stores in the USA - ForumDaily
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Russian Post launched a service for ordering goods from online stores in the US

Russian Post found a way to circumvent sanctions and launched a service for ordering goods directly from the United States. And although the company itself claims that it is just a “logistics partner”, everything goes through a subsidiary in Hong Kong. Writes about it VC.RU.

Photo: IStock

Russian Post did not officially announce the launch of Global Mail; users paid attention to the launch of this feature. In addition, the organization's website also has a banner with a link to Global Mail.

Some users noted that they received an email about a "partnership project".

The press service of the Russian Post explained that the service started working on August 1, but before that there were “test shipments”. Russian Post itself is only a logistics partner that delivers parcels for customs clearance and delivers them throughout Russia.

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Global Mail is a service for shopping in American online stores. All orders arrive at the warehouse of the intermediary in the United States, from where they are delivered to the buyer. Delivery cost - from $ 16,66, term - from three weeks.

In order to place an order, you need to register and get an address in the United States. After that, you need to order goods for it and fix it in the service. All parcels will arrive at a warehouse in Delaware, from where they will be forwarded to Russia.

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You can order from Amazon, eBay, iHerb, Apple and other sites. If the store does not accept the card, the service will redeem the goods and send them to the customer.

RP Logistics HK Co. is listed as a legal entity in the Global Mail documents. Limited is a subsidiary of Russian Post in Hong Kong, which it founded in May 2021. And the address of the warehouse where the parcels will arrive uses the service for ordering goods from abroad Pony.Market from Pony Express.

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