Post office, banks and shops: what will be open / closed for Christmas and December 26
It's Christmas weekend, which means that many establishments will close their doors for the holiday. Therefore, if you are planning to visit the store because you forgot to buy some product for the celebration, do not forget that most merchants do not plan to work on these days. Moreover, many of them will be closed even on Monday, December 26th. Edition USA Today told what will be open and closed this Christmas.
Find out your bank's bank holiday hours so you don't get stuck at the last minute without access to transactions.
Banks are not supposed to close on public holidays, but they usually do. Please note that financial institutions will not work at least on Sunday, December 25.
Many banks, such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Capital One, took care of the holiday on Monday, December 26, in connection with the celebration of Christmas.
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Any banking transactions you make online during the holidays will not start processing until the next business day.
Grocery stores
Most grocery stores in the US are closed, including Walmart. Costco in the US is also mostly closed on Sunday, December 25, but some of its stores will be open as usual on Monday, December 26.
Hours of some local grocery outlets may be adjusted around the holidays, so call your local store or visit their website before you travel to confirm.
Post offices in particular and the US Postal Service in general will suspend the delivery of mail or parcels not only on Christmas Day, but also on December 26th.
On the FedEx website, Christmas is listed as a corporate holiday, with almost all delivery services except FedEx Custom Critical closed on both the holiday and the following day.
UPS also does not plan to operate on December 25 and 26, which cannot be said about UPS Express Critical.
CVS, Walgreen's
Many Walgreens and CVS stores will operate reduced hours over Christmas, which vary by location. But on Monday, December 26, they will return to normal.
If your local Walgreens or CVS is not open XNUMX/XNUMX, it will most likely be closed on Christmas even if the store is open during modified hours.
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To make sure, contact the nearest pharmacy and check its opening hours.
New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq
American financial markets, including the New York Stock Exchange, will be closed on Sunday. Like the managed Nasdaq Inc.
In connection with the holiday, they will not start work on Monday, December 26.
State institutions
Non-essential federal, state and city government agencies, including the courts, are also going to rest legally on Sunday and Monday, December 25-26.
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