Why Trump's meeting with Lavrov is a slap in America - ForumDaily
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Why Trump's meeting with Lavrov is a slap in America

Photo: flickr.com/MID Russia

Igor Irtenev wrote that looking at the face of Lavrov, I want to give him oats. Understand. This week, oats were given in the White House. I don’t know, though, if Lavrov spoke at the same time with his favorite diplomatic "morons, b ** d "or just smacked his lips with pleasure ...

The day, of course, trump turned out - you will not envy. Saturated. At first, the FBI director resigned, did not have time to come in - on the contrary, Lavrov was already sitting - he was asking for oats, he had just moved a little - the old fox Kissinger had come forward ... It is hard to say. Moreover, according to the classic, "oats are now expensive." Sorry for Trump. But the meeting with the Russian Ribbentrop was wonderful: it was not for nothing that he called the representatives of the new American administration “business people who want to negotiate” and added that Donald Trump “clearly confirmed his interest in building mutually beneficial, business, pragmatic relations and solving problems”.

That, of course, is good. No one argues that it is necessary to negotiate. Do not fight with them?

"A bad world is better than a good quarrel." So everyone is happy. First of all, of course, Moscow. No wonder an analyst by the name of Frolov says that “Putin’s foreign policy gives excellent results.” You can not argue.

Photo: flickr.com/MID Russia

This, by the way, we have already “passed”. I, for example, remember very well, how Bush and Putin issued joint statements calling on all states to “join a sustainable global coalition to defeat international terrorism.” It was funny to hear this from friends of Hamas and Hezbollah, patrons of Iranian fascists. Russia is undoubtedly the successor to the USSR - the father of international terror. All these “liberation movements”, “popular fronts” and other dirty tricks were created, trained, armed with the direct participation of the “first state of workers and peasants”. It was from there that this infection spread throughout the world, and the muscular hand of Moscow firmly supported the bandits and stroked their heads. She gave me plenty of oats.

Trump's meeting with Lavrov - slap America. This is a demonstration of the fact that it is possible and necessary to talk with the punks not from positions of strength (as Reagan argued), but as equals. Well, well ... The consequences of this are calculated simply - the punks will become even more impudent. Because the punks in power always behaves like an ordinary punks, that is, they test others for "lice". Now if I put my feet on the table, I will make a remark? Not? Good. And if I spit on my neighbor's plate, I’m thrown out from the table? Also no? Okay, then I spit in his face. He wiped off, and the rest pretended not to notice? Wonderful! Then, perhaps, you can spoil on the table ...

You can attack Ukraine; climb into Syria; build a nuclear reactor in Iran; stifle dissent; lead political processes; kill fighters with the regime; destroy the judicial system; buy as whores, Western journalists, officials, politicians ... Everything is possible. Our "lice" allows. We continue to call the enemy "partner" and turn away when he grunts at the table, instead of taking him by the ear and in an accessible language to explain what this behavior will lead to.

Trump met with Lavrov. For what? Not much honor? A little more - and he will surpass Bush, who, I remember, once looking affectionately at “friend Vova” said: “Believe it or not, I love him.” We all know very well what this love, multiplied many times over by Obama’s “flexibility,” led to...

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