Why New York is a blow to the eyes and wallet - ForumDaily
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Why New York is a blow to your eyes and wallet

Russian woman Liza Karaseva won the green card in the lottery. In 2016, she moved with her husband to live in Seattle. In Russia, she received an economic education and two years before moving to work as an analyst. In your blog Alfabelka Lisa talks about adaptation in America and first impressions. ForumDaily publishes an article with the permission of the author.

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

This is what I? I'd like to play your appetite! The fact is that during the pause between the sightseeing we visited various places to try the local cuisines. Therefore, here we will travel a lot to coffee shops and other hot spots of New York. Kitchen forms a way of life. And the way of life is practically the only thing that distinguishes us all from each other. Go.

1 Day - Stunned by Sandwiches and Freedom

Our first day we decided to start with an unforgettable breakfast at one of 10's best sandwich bars in New York according to Foursquare. AT Alidoro we arrived early in the morning. Without thinking for a long time, I took a large latte coffee and Breakfast Sandwich Maria with egg, ham and cheese:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

Tastier, perhaps, was only when a long time ago my whole family had breakfast with pancakes, which were cooked with my mother on weekends. So, in the Maria sandwich everything was perfect - a gently beaten and baked egg, they also did not regret the ham, they laid it solidly. The main highlight - in a bun, typically American-style, slightly sweet, is called this English muffin product.

Coffee culture means a lot to Americans. I was convinced of this. The traditional drink in the first unspecialized place impressed with its rich and delicate taste. I am a sensitive person, but I didn’t climb the wall because of this coffee. After such a successful experience, I immediately wanted to make sure whether the same delicious coffee was everywhere.

So, the wolves are fed, what to do in New York? We decided that the first day should definitely start with the Statue of Liberty. This is a classic. In their spirit, they purchased Liberty Island tickets via the Internet and drove to the Battery park for the departure point of the ferry. Not having time to recover from breakfast in Alidoro, we were hungry again. Another appeal to foursquare issued another exclusive sandwich bar as a recommendation. Lamazou.

Here we took for two a huge Smart Duck Sandwich with duck and brie cheese. All this pleasure was packed in crispy and fresh ciabatta:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

Full of strength, first on foot, and then by subway we got to Battery park. Along the park we were chased by squirrels. They were almost tame and a little more winter, which was noticeable in their dimensions.

I'm not sure if it is bad or not, but I really like to pretend that I have food in my palm. A curious squirrel runs up and puts his tiny paws on your arm in an attempt to find a treat. But as soon as she does not find what she was looking for, she immediately escapes back home. Belka - hope, and I am cute:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

When we were traveling on the ferry, we very unexpectedly came across members of the Russian punk band “Naiv”. Personally, I remember this one Character. At that moment we didn’t know exactly who we were lucky to meet. Although the guys were immediately clear that they are creative and famous. It is difficult to say how I understood it, but it blew from them something special. And an additional request to Google helped to find photos of children on the Island of Freedom, we directly saw how they were photographed there:

Just see how famous this guy is wearing glasses. I think now you understand why my instinct smelled something in them.

By the way, our ferry was accompanied by gulls, arrogant. I heard how one woman decided to go downstairs to the covered cabins, telling her friend something about Bird Shit.

I can’t say that in the end the statue itself made a strong impression on me, the tourist atmosphere was already reigning there. Although I can bet that for new immigrants sailing from the ocean, it was a unique experience and a terrific spectacle. After all, Liberty Island is just at the "entrance" to New York. In general, I was pleased that we, like old immigrants, discovered America from the Statue.

On the way back, hungry again, visited Taïm Falafel and Smoothie Barwhere they tried an incomparable Israeli dish Фalafel. I didn’t have time to take my photo, so I’m sharing what Foursquare users post:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

After a nap and a cup of coffee from Joe the art of coffeelocated in the premises of the Grand Central Terminal, we headed to conquer the Empire State Building. It seems that the vocabulary is not enough to describe how tasty the new coffee was. It seemed to me that the evening cup from Joe was even richer than the morning one from Alidoro.

Finally, we set our sights on the famous high-rise. The tickets are already in your pocket. We go, we see an advertisement on fire. It became clear - Time square. Completely unplanned, on a clear February evening, we were deafened by the lights on the brightest street in New York. Exactly like in “One-Storey America” by Ilf and Petrov:

"They turned simple Edison electricity into the Durovian sea lion."

Even in our time it looks impressive. With notable pride, I can say that Time Square is vaguely reminiscent of the Moscow New Arbat. Interestingly, in the very center of the famous street of the famous city there are points where you can enroll in the US Army or the police. The rest is a must see.

Admired by the richness of Time Square's colors, we finally headed towards our goal. We made our way to the observation deck of the Empire State Building as if on a quest. The doormen escorted us from elevator to elevator, from corridor to corridor, until we found ourselves on the 86th floor. The view was mesmerizing:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

You look down and it feels like you are building a city in a computer game like Sim-City. Satisfied, we returned home and went to bed so that during the night we could write down the day in our heads...

2 Day - Book of Mormon, Muffin and Cayenne Pepper in one

From the planned we had to go to the best Broadway musical 2011 of the year the Book of Mormon and visit the Museum of Modern Art MOMA, known for such exhibits as, for example, Van Gogh's "Starry Night".

February 23 morning we started as it should. On Petit's request, I found a place nearby where excellent bagels are prepared. New York's Classic is Lox, you can read about the etymology of the name from the link above, unfortunately, in English, but exhaustively. And if in fact, then Lox is a slightly warmed bagel with cream cheese and salmon:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

We took on a rye bun in a cafe called Ess-a-bagel.

But what is an American morning without coffee? And again, at the call of Foursquare, we wandered into Ground Central Coffee Companywho managed to please us not only with another gorgeous latte, but now insanely favorite Muffin with fresh blueberries and cream cheese inside!

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

Oh, that was the best muffin in my life.

The first half of the day was lazy. After breakfast, we wandered around to see Central Park. Unfortunately, the park did not have time to make a proper impression on us, but it was still nice to walk there. It is generally wonderful when there is such a large reserve in the center of the city.

The day was cool, so we again went in search of beauty, in search of what to eat. I would have finished my story on this, but the most juicy photos have already been selected, and I can not fail to mention a couple of wonderful cafes.

Xi'an famous foods - it was at the same time one of the most terrible and amazing experiments with food:

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

It was scary because I thought to burn from the sharpness level of my Beef Noodles. Just see how hot! In a panic attack, I ran over a cold tea, which we were originally so cunningly offered at the checkout. Amazing because this dish was, damn, well, very tasty and wanted to eat! Still the whole picture was decorated with the fact that it was a bit sorry for the money spent. Therefore, it looked like “the mice were crying, injected ...”

Book of Mormons! In the evening of a lazy day, we wandered into the Broadway theater of the Eugene O'neil Theater for the musical The Book of Mormon. It was awesome. The creators of South Park worked on 4 of the year before she was born and became the best 2011 musical of the year. It really is like South Park, only with live people, the purest vocals, live orchestra and equally impressive dances. About humor, I generally keep quiet. I highly recommend this musical.

And again the children went home.

3 Day - On Art, Smoothies and Cookies

It seems that in the interval between the second and third day we had a chance to get acquainted with the popular and highly regarded network of healthy food in New York. One of Juice Generation a cafe was very close to the hotel. There were a lot of vegan salads and juices, but the focus was on smoothies.

They offered the lightest, literally 150 kcal, and very nourishing with peanut butter and protein smoothie on 600 kcal! This was the ultimate dream. With this institution we broke our rule - we visited it three times! Now in Seattle we are doing a very beloved Mr.Greengenes at home in the Magic Bullet blender. Yum!

Perhaps this part can be lost in such a huge note, but I do not envy anyone who will sing with me an ode to the most delicious liver of the world.

Photo alfabelka.wordpress.com

Foursquare says this is the best place to bake such cookies - Levain bakery. Call them in general Chocolate Chip Cookie. They are perfect! Gooey, say local lovers. Even a fairy will not conjure these. These are not just cookies - they are rather hot chocolate, packed in a thin layer of crispy shortcrust dough. The minus of this delicacy is one - you can eat for half a day and don’t have time to try anything else. Better to take for two.

And next to the photo is a standard latte from another popular coffee house. Blue bottle coffeeagain, no words. In fact, we just do not understand coffee, and I still can not give full criticism. But absolutely all the coffee that we tried in special coffee shops was special and tasty.

And at the end of all our New York adventures, we wandered around the MOMA.

I love modern art because it evokes some wrong feelings in you.

Here I experienced this in full. I perfectly understand those who can not understand contemporary art. It feels like you want to escape from these strange impressions that you cover when you are considering strange exhibits or paintings. But if you only believe in these feelings, then you can experience a very unusual experience. For the same reason, I sometimes like to meet foreigners on social networks. What I mean is that not very sociable people usually sit on the Internet, i.e. those who find it difficult to live in society. I meet less often there because, for example, I feel lonely here in America without work, without colleagues, without friends. Sometimes get entertaining dialogues. I do not take to heart what people say to me, although sometimes they carry complete nonsense ...

In general, the world is fun to learn. Well done, that read about cookies! This was supposed to be the nail of the article, but the author was carried in all directions.

Original published in author's blog

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