Trump's plans for a second term: what US residents abandoned - ForumDaily
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Trump's plans for a second term: what US residents abandoned

Donald Trump did not manage to be re-elected for a second term. What would have happened if he had been given another 4 years? In August 2020, his headquarters unveiled a set of key priorities for a second term under the slogan "Fight for you!" On the official website The campaign said, "President Trump's boundless optimism and confidence in America's greatness is reflected in his goals for a second term." What did Trump promise in case of his re-election?

Photo: Shutterstock

Pandemic COVID-19:
  • Development of a vaccine by the end of 2020 (this is still quite possible to implement, because Trump will be the master of the White House until January 20, 2021).
  • Return to normal life in 2021.
  • Manufactures all essential drugs and supplies for healthcare professionals in the United States.
  • Replenishment and preparation for future pandemics.
  • Creation of 10 million new jobs in 10 months.
  • Creation of 1 million new small businesses.
  • Tax cuts to raise wages and keep jobs in America.
  • Making trade deals that protect American jobs.
  • Made in America Tax Credit.
  • Expansion of the zone of opportunities.
  • Continuation of the deregulation program for energy independence.
Relations with China:
  • Return of 1 million manufacturing jobs from China.
  • Tax breaks for companies that return jobs from China.
  • Allow 100% cost deductions for major industries such as pharmaceuticals and robotics that return manufacturing to the United States.
  • No federal contracts for outsourcing companies to China.
  • Hold China fully responsible for the worldwide spread of the virus.

Trump's tax proposals are referenced in two sections of his program: Jobs and Ending Dependency on China. The tax policy did not receive a separate item in the program.

Trump has pledged to cut taxes to increase the amount of wages Americans receive. However, no figures were given in his plan.

In addition, in case of re-election, the head of state promised a "Made in America" ​​tax credit. It is easy to assume that we are talking about encouraging companies to establish production in the United States, creating new jobs, but there is no specifics on this loan.

Among other things, Trump proposed expanding the so-called zones of opportunity, a program created as part of his 2017 tax reform. It aims to stimulate investment in economically disadvantaged areas. It does this by providing capital gains tax incentives to individuals and businesses investing in participating Zones of Opportunity.

Trump's plan outlines two strategic proposals for companies that are moving manufacturing from China to the United States. The first is the tax credit mentioned above, for which there are no details. Second, it was proposed that a 100 percent tax deduction be allowed for asset transfer costs to certain industries (pharmaceuticals and robotics) that return manufacturing to the United States. The proposal did not specify what types of assets would qualify for the 100% deduction, whether it would become permanent, and how the company would be determined to “return production”.

President Trump and his advisers have also mentioned a number of other tax measures that are not listed in the program for a second term. The head of the White House has called for a payroll tax cut. In addition, he mentioned the idea of ​​reducing the capital gains tax rate from 20 to 15 percent.

On the subject: Fewer visas, green cards and asylum permits: Trump's immigration plan for a second term


The Trump program for a second term has a separate section for health care. It lists the main ideas without explaining the details. They include:

  • lower prices for prescription drugs;
  • restoring responsibility for the health care system to patients and doctors;
  • reduction of rates on medical insurance;
  • ending the practice of “surprise accounts”;
  • coverage by insurance of treatment of all chronic diseases that existed at the time of its registration;
  • Medicare protection;
  • protecting veterans and providing them with world-class medical care.

The president's headquarters did not provide details of the implementation of each of these ideas. However, at the end of September, Trump announced that he had signed a document that should replace the ObamaCare program, if it can be canceled through a court (the US head has been working on this practically since the beginning of his presidential term).

While presenting the signed document, Trump did not provide many details, but nevertheless clarified some of the main points.

  • Cancellation of the penalty for refusing to buy insurance. Trump said his proposed option is much better than ObamaCare. The current administration believes it has canceled the "worst part" of Obama's plan to make it mandatory for all Americans to purchase health insurance. This rule will be maintained in the future if Trump wins.
  • Reduced prices for insurance plans up to 60%. Trump said his plan will give Americans the freedom to choose insurance plans that work best for them and their families. The new insurance, according to the president, will cost 60% less than previously existing plans under ObamaCare. Small businesses will also be able to purchase insurance for their employees - small companies will be able to unite and offer their employees more affordable health insurance options.
  • Insurance costs will be deducted from taxes. The President has worked to ensure that individual health care contributions are fully deductible from the tax base.
  • Import of Canadian medicines to the USA. Trump wanted to allow massive exports of prescription drugs made in Canada. Any state government could go to Canada and buy drugs for a fraction of the price they now pay for American drugs. The President stressed that the possibility of exporting cheaper Canadian medicines will help the elderly in particular.
Police protection:
  • Funding and hiring more police and law enforcement officers.
  • Increased criminal penalties for assaulting law enforcement officers.
  • Bringing to responsibility for shooting from a moving car as a terrorist attack.
  • Bring violent extremist groups such as Antifa to justice.
  • End non-cash bail and keep dangerous criminals in jail pending trial.
End illegal immigration and protect U.S. workers:
  • Prevent illegal immigrants from qualifying for taxpayer-funded social security, health care, and free college.
  • Mandatory deportation of non-citizen gang members.
  • Eliminate human trafficking networks.
  • End the cities of refuge.
  • Prohibit American companies from replacing US citizens with cheaper foreign workers.
  • Require new immigrants to support themselves financially.

In addition to the above, Trump's plan included building a wall on the border with Mexico, tightening the process of obtaining asylum in the United States, banning DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program that protects against the deportation of illegal immigrants brought to the United States by children), the introduction of a merit-based immigration system ...

In October, President Donald Trump's senior adviser Stephen Miller fleshed out plans to strengthen Trump's restrictive immigration program. Miller, who plays a dual role (White House adviser and Trump re-election staffer), stressed that he only spoke of priorities for a second term as a staff member.

  • Freeze immigration. Miller did not confirm whether Trump intended to extend the moratorium on new green cards and visas in the near future, which will expire at the end of the year.
  • Limit the asylum policy. Under Trump, asylum permits have plummeted. The Trump administration, for a second term, intended to expand burden-sharing agreements with Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador that block paths to the United States for asylum seekers.
  • Punish and outlaw the city of refuge. “Another important priority is really effective punishment of cities of refuge,” the presidential adviser stressed. He noted that the administration has denied some grants to refugee cities. According to him, during the second term, Trump would continue this fight.
  • Expand checks and deny entry. The presidential adviser advised that another priority would be "to develop and expand the framework that the travel ban has created in terms of raising standards of screening when entering the United States." This includes expanded verification methods and broader exchange of information between agencies to screen those wishing to enter the country. The US is already looking for links to terrorism and extremist groups. Miller wanted to go further - to test the "ideological sympathies or tendencies" of visa applicants to assess their potential recruitment propensity by radicals. This could include changing the interview process, adding interviews, or talking to people close to the candidates about their beliefs.
  • Reduction of work visas. Miller said that if elected for a second term, the Trump administration would continue to cut programs for invited workers on H-1B visas, including by eliminating the work visa lottery system when applications exceed the annual quota. The priority will be those to whom the employer offers the highest wages.

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Innovation for the future:
  • Launching space forces, ensuring the constant presence of a person on the moon and sending the first manned flight to Mars.
  • Win the 5G race and build a nationwide high-speed wireless internet.
  • Continue to lead the world in access to the cleanest drinking water and cleanest air.
  • Collaborate with other countries to cleanse our planet's oceans.
Foreign policy priority:
  • Stop wars and get American troops home.
  • Get allies to pay their fair share.
  • Maintain and expand America's "unmatched military power."
  • Destroy the global terrorists that threaten the Americans.
  • Create an excellent cybersecurity defense system and missile defense system.
Protecting American Values:
  • Continue to appoint constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and lower court judges.
  • Protect the future life by all available means.
  • Protect the freedoms of believers and organizations.
  • Support the exercise of Second Amendment rights.

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