Delta pilots canceled takeoff due to passenger refusal to wear masks
The Delta Air Lines plane returned to the gate - it canceled takeoff due to the fact that passengers refused to wear masks, writes The denver channel.

Photo: Shutterstock
The Delta aircraft turned around en route to the runway and returned to the gate because the passengers did not follow the crew's instructions.
The incident was reminiscent of car trips with parents, when, due to the whims of the children, adults turned the car around and returned home.
Delta Air Lines said in a statement that Flight 1227, which was to fly from Detroit to Atlanta on July 23, "returned to the gate after two customers refused to comply" in accordance with the airline's mask policy.
On the subject: Blacklist: Delta imposed sanctions against 120 passengers for refusing to wear masks
The plane had already left the gate when the pilots decided to return. Delta says the crew asked two passengers to put on masks, but they didn't.
At the gate, two passengers who refused to cover their faces with protective equipment were removed from the flight. The plane then flew to Atlanta - as originally planned.
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