Saw from a puddle and eat cookies: how a woman survived 12 days in the desert - ForumDaily
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Saw from a puddle and ate cookies: how a woman survived 12 days in the desert

The woman who was saved after 12 days in the remote inland areas of Australia survived on cookies and groundwater. Writes about it with the BBC.

Фото: Depositphotos

Tamra Macbit-Riley, along with two satellites, were trapped when their car got stuck in a riverbed.

The group split up to find help. MacBit-Riley was found near the car, the rest are still being searched.

The police say that after 13 days in the desert they should be very dehydrated.

"Survived on dirty water"

After lunch on November 19, the 52-year-old woman traveled with two companions, Claire Gokridge and Phu Tren, with Alice Springs in Northern Territory.

They took with them a dog, Macbit-Riley, Paradise, a female Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

The group drove south from Alice Springs when their car got stuck in the Hugh River.

McBeath-Riley told reporters that they remained at the car for about three days, trying to get it out - but in vain.

“It was so hot during the day that we hid under the car. At night we could sleep in the car,” she said.

During this time, they drank all the water, as well as low-alcohol drinks, cookies and beef noodles, which they had with them in the car.

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In the end, they found a puddle of groundwater, boiled it, and then filtered through a shirt.

"The water was still dirty and unhygienic, but it kept them alive," police inspector Paulina Vicari told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

In the end, the group decided to split up and seek help. Tren and Gokridge planned to go to the highway.

Mrs. Macbeth-Riley stayed by the car, as she was worried that her dog could not stand the long journey.

Police sent three helicopters in search of the missing. In the end, they spotted Macbit-Riley about 1,5 km from the car after a local resident said he saw tire marks.

It is not known whether the dog was also found with her.

The woman was immediately taken to the hospital.

According to her, she thought that her companions had already been found, and when she found out that this was not so, she was very upset.

Inspector Vicari says the police are working hard to find the missing travelers.

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