List of shares: cheap flights from CIS countries and Israel to the USA - ForumDaily
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List of shares: cheap flights from the CIS countries and Israel to the USA

Company klm netherlands Since September 2015 has been offering discounts on flights from Kiev to the USA.

The price of a round-trip ticket ranges from 483 to 683 dollars. You can fly to such cities as New York, Washington, Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City.

The promotion will last six months - from September 2015 to April 2016.

Discounts also provide airlines: LOT, Air France and Finnair on flights from Moscow to New York. The discount ticket price is on average 22 thousands of rubles, which with the current exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar is approximately 324 dollar. Special offer is valid for ten days.

To get from Kazakhstan to New York and back you need to pay 236 thousand tenge (988 dollars). Flights are provided by Atihad Airways.

Tickets for flights from Tel Aviv to New York airline KLM, Delta will cost 839 dollars, and with transfers - 562 dollars.

Miscellanea Kiev New York Moscow air travel discounts Educational program
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