Shark attacked 4 people on a Texas beach - ForumDaily
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Shark attacks 4 people on Texas beach

On one of the Texas beaches on Independence Day, a shark attacked people. As a result of her aggression, several people were injured, reports Fox News.

Photo: IStock

South Padre Island Police and the U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic District reported that four people were injured in an encounter with a marine predator in their coastal area.

According to police, the attacks occurred at approximately 11:00 local time in the area of ​​Beach Access 14, which is near the Wanna Wanna Beach Bar and Grill.

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South Padre Island Police and Fire Department personnel provided first aid at the scene and one of the victims was transported to a nearby hospital. Authorities said the man's leg was seriously injured from the shark bites.

A police spokesman did not provide any information about his condition. There is also no information yet about the well-being of the other three victims.

Based on eyewitness accounts, photos and videos on social media, Wildlife Capt. Chris Doughty told The Associated Press that the vacationers were attacked by a nearly two-meter shark.

A recording posted on social networks shows a victim being dragged ashore after an attack by a predator. Blood is visible in the water, and some of the frightened vacationers are crying. Several eyewitnesses are trying to apply a makeshift tourniquet to the victim using their trouser belts, and law enforcement officers are patrolling the coastline in search of sharks.

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