Pentagon will provide Ukraine with an additional $ 250 million of military aid - ForumDaily
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The Pentagon will provide Ukraine with an additional $ 250 million of military aid

The Pentagon will further provide Ukraine with 250 millions of dollars for training, providing and supplying the military, said in the defense department.

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The assistance will include “sniper rifles, grenade launchers and anti-missile radars, (equipment for) command and control; equipment to detect radar jamming and ensure secure communications; (equipment to support) the movement of military personnel; night vision devices and medicines,” quotes RIA News.

According to the ministry, the aid allocated to Ukraine from 2014 by the Department of Defense, taking into account the new funding package, will reach 1,5 billion dollars.

“This security cooperation was made possible by Ukraine's continued progress in adopting key defense institutional reforms aimed at aligning Ukraine's national security architecture with Euro-Atlantic principles.

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The United States remains committed to assisting Ukraine in implementing provisions of the Ukraine National Security Act of 2018 to strengthen democratic civilian control of the military, promote command and control reforms, increase transparency and accountability in budget acquisition and development, and advance defense reforms. industry. These reforms will strengthen Ukraine's ability to defend its territorial integrity in support of a secure, prosperous, democratic and free Ukraine,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

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Ukraine and NATO

In March, Pentagon press secretary Eric Pachon said that these funds were used to strengthen the army and improve its cooperation with NATO. He added that Washington welcomes Kiev’s aspiration to join the alliance.

However, as the Pentagon press secretary noted, this is hampered by the territorial issue, in particular the “Crimean problem.”

In February, the law on changes to the constitution of Ukraine came into force, fixing the country's course towards joining NATO and the European Union. Back in December, 2014, the Rada refused the non-aligned status of the state. In June, 2016 adopted changes that determined NATO membership as a foreign policy goal.

At the same time, the former NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, noted that in order to join the alliance, Kiev would need to complete a number of points, and this would take a long time. Experts believe that Ukraine will not be able to claim membership in NATO in the next 20 years.

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